Saturday, March 29, 2008

Signed, sealed and lost in the post.

I feel like I'm signed, sealed and lost in the post.
Thankyou to The Wombats for those lyrics.

Where to start..

My life is a total mess right now, in about eleventy million ways, some alot more significant than others.

I mean, sure, my life is good - I'm 18, have a roof over my head, my own room, my own car, a part time job, I go to uni, I have friends, I have two loverly Dobermans and a Siamese fighting fish, I never go hungry, I have a very active social life and am rarely home because of it and work and Uni, and yet it just feels like my life is going no where right now.
Sad, I know.

There's friends, family, work and my love life (or lack there of)... all of which are getting me down right now.

Uni is eating up my life. And not in a good way.
I'm literally drowing in Uni assessment right now but I have absolutely no motivation to do my assignments, most of which are due in the next week or two and are incredibly time consuming.

I feel like a jelly fish - just blobbing around in the sea of life. Yep.
That's me, blobbing through life, not really going anywhere or achieving anything, but I always seem to be doing something, whether it's useful or not is a different matter.

Work has been horrible lately, in ways I don't wish to publicise on the internet.
Like, horrible as in me almost bursting into tears on numerous occaisons.

Not to mention I feel incredibly lonely, even though I'm surrounded by people.
I miss a few people right now, I miss them so much it hurts.
I just generally feel out of sorts.

We did real life drawing at Uni today, a nude model came into our class and we had to draw her for 3 hours.
So draining, having to concentrate for that long, and the fact that every drawing we do is being assessed is even more nerve-racking.
My drawings didn't turn out very well. I hate drawing people, mostly because it's extremely obvious if you make a mistake - one single line out of place and the whole drawing is thrown off.
So frustrating.

I feel just so.. lost in everything.

And I'm having one of those days where all I want to eat is icecream and I don't even have any in my house.
The only this that really cheers me up is my close friends, my music and me not being at home.
Which is good, but it means I spend most of my time listening to music ans hanging out with friends away from home.
I'm at the point where I want to do anything but be at home and I find myself trying to find ways to not be at home... which is good, coz I don't want to be at home, but it also means when I'm out I'm not doing my uni homework or my at home chores and stuff.
I can't win.
When I'm not at home things don't seem to so bad and/or frustrating though.
My family are so bloody annoying. I never do anything mean or nasty to them but it seems all I get from them is negitivity, no matter what.

Maybe I should just go to bed.
I'll feel better soon, I'm just feeling really down lately.
Everyone has their off days..
I'm just having an off week.

If you actually read this, lol, good on you.
Sorry if I put a downer on your day coz you read this. I'm ok, really.
If you did read this, leave me a comment so I know that people are actually reading this.
People probably arn't, but whatever.

Until next time faithful readers,

p.s Hope you enjoy the random photos.
This is me being random and slightly artistic. The top photo is one I took when I was in my car, waiting for a friend. The bottom two are ones I took a few weeks ago when I was hanging out with a bunch of friends.. we had a girls night in/lets get drunk kind of thing, and these two photos I took the day after. They're not very impressive but I like them and they remind me of that day.

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