Saturday, January 31, 2009


I got that picture from here. It's random but kinda fitting and I like it.

So, as I've mentioned before, 2009 (or 2000-and-devine as Gala says) WILL be the year of change for me.
And, to kick off this time of change in an official way I'm actually going to commit myself to something and stick to it (as best I can - no one's perfect!) for a whole month.
This thing I'm committing myself to is the "iCiNG TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE!". Something that Gala has started on her site iCiNG for the month of February - A way to help oneself on the road to self improvement, by setting some goals for the month and sticking to them.

My goals for the ITC (iCiNG TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE) are as follows:
1. EAT HEALTHY. No more random snacks or junk food, especially when I'm not hungry. No eating after 9 or 10pm! I always get the munchies late at night and it never ends well. Aim to eat fruit and vege everyday (I've been REALLY terrible lately and my body has paid for that) and overall just aim to eat less crap and instead eat things that are actually good for me. I do enjoy fruit and vege alot so it shouldn't be hard, it's more about me being lazy than anything else. This also includes drinking enough water. I'm usually pretty good and drink a litre or two every day but agian, I've been slack lately.
2. GO TO THE GYM AT LEAST 3 TIMES PER WEEK FOR ONE HOUR OR MORE EACH TIME. I've already started this with Jade but I want to continue it for as long as I can. I SO desperately want to be FIT and FLEXIBLE! I'm young, I shold be able to touch my toes!
3. KEEP TRACK OF IT ALL AND DON'T LOOSE FOCUS. To help with this I'm doing to create a food diary of what I eat each day, to keep track of things. I'll blog about it occaisonally too.

So, this is my plan.

My support systems -
1. Food diary
2. Blog it! And re-read this original ITC blog to keep myself motivated
3. Friends and family! Especially fellow ITC challengers and my dearest Jd and Rach.

Overall goals -
1. Learn to love myself
2. Gain self confidence
3. Get fit and flexible
4. Loose weight

Now you all know my inner goals and problems, but oh well.
I figure if I diarise this in the real world on my blog instead of solely in a diary it might actually motivate me to stick to it all.

So even tohugh I'm sick as a dog right now (have been since thursday) with a head cold/stomach flu type thing, as of tomorrow I will start to look after myself today. I kinda kick started it today by drinking like 2 litres of water and eating oranges and mangoes, even though I'm all sick and gross and can't breathe through me nose. Go me.


p.s Gala's made a bunch of badges that link to her site, they're super cute - this is one of many she's made that I like! She made them so we can post them places so people know we're participating in the ITC! :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh, Deer.

Oh Deer
Oh Deer - by Louchasy on

I'm growing to love Polyvore more and more.
I'm getting better.
I was thinking about deers when I made this one. Notice the antler hand bag.
And purple is always a fave so yah.

I feel like crap. Being sick is a waste of time.
I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TiLT -Week Twelve

Hello blog readers!

Here's what I'm loving this week -
(the list is a tad short but whatever!)

AUSTRALIA AND TRIPLE J HOTTEST 100 DAY - Spending Australia day with Jack and Al in Jack’s pool listening to Triple J’s countdown on the radio at mega loud volume was brilliant. Fun times were had by all, even if I did get just the tiniest bit sun burnt! It was a great day and then Dan came over, I made everyone nachos and it was just great. Love you three!

THIS COMPLIMENT - sent 27/01/2009 6:44 PM:
your blog makes me want to blog
Made me feel pretty special. Thanks Cal! The photo is Cal. He's totally sniffing my hair. Lol.

MY DOG ZERREN - Being greeted at the door by my excited ZeZe after a dull shift at work last night was so lovely. Zerren was the most excited member of my family to have me home, including the people members of my family. I love you Zerren.

FOOD! Particularly strawberry milk, fetta, bread and mangoes. I love food. I love eating. It’s really great. Strawberry Nesquik is wonderful!

JADE – In particular this week - Mango smoothies, going to radio, randomly driving around, visits to Tattoo shops and most importantly, GYM sessions! So many great times J I love you Jade.

HOME ALONE - Being home alone is pretty much one of my favourite things. It’s great at the moment, Mum and Dad are both back at full time work, Hayden’s gone back to school and it’s just me, my dogs and my fish at home. I love it. No one hassles me about anything and I can do things at my own speed and sleep in til 9am everyday. It’s so brilliant. I don’t want it to end when I have to start going to uni.

TATTOOS! I’ve been wanting to get mine done for ages. I’ve got money to get it done kindaly donated by Cal and Crystal, and I’ve got most of the design done. Jade took me to a lovely tattoo shop yesterday (check it out here) so now I know where I’m going to get my tattoo done… Just need to finish the design and make it perfect!

NOSE PORE STRIP TIHNGYS – Jade gave me one to use and OMG it worked! I’m gonna go buy some to use on a regular basis! Yesss! Thanks Jadey! No more black heads for me! Oh yes!

FACEBOOK – I used to hate it, but now I’m addicted. I check it everyday. Haha. I hate the stupid applications and how you can see everyone’s wall comments to everyone else on your home page but overall it’s pretty great!

CRYSTAL! Went to her place with Cal last week for her birthday bbq, I had a great time. I love Crystal and her house is gorgeous! I felt really at home. J Hope your trip to Bali was lovely girl!

MY GIRLS! Spending saturday with Rach and Jd swimming at the Lawnton Pool was so nice. And then going to radio and hanging out there with my girls and Wilko, then picking Tom up and going back to Jade’s for pizza! I wasn’t in the best mood but I did have a great day all the same J Love you girls.

MORE NEW MUSIC - This week I'm digging Laura Marling and Fleet Foxes, thanks to Wilko! I want Hot Chip next, Bon Iver and Cloud Control! I want too much music. I like to much music. It's so great!

And last but not least – An honourable mention goes to my aqua nail polish! I love it. It’s sparkly. Pretty sure I’ve put it in a TiLT list before but whatever. I put it on again last night and I love it.

The end!
Hope you all had a great week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TiLT - Week Eleven!

Morning blog readers and welcome to week 11 of my TiLTs!

Things I'm loving this week -
(Most of these things over lap but whatever!)

- THE BIG DAY OUT. See my blog from the other day. I had such a wonderful BDO, it was my 4th one I've been to in a row and I cna't thanks Jade enough for taking me to my first one back in 2006. It's always such a great day and this year was no exception!

- AWESOME WEEKENDS IN FABULOUS HOTELS! Our hotel for the BDO weekend was amazing! It was meant to be twin share but could easily have housed several families of people. It was nuts. Two bathrooms, three balconies, two bedrooms, total bliss.

- SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS IN A HOTEL WITHOUT PARENTS. Eating pizza and watching lame old videos on Max with Dan and Rach was rad core. I love them.

- NEW MUSIC! I looooove music and I love new music even more! This week I'm into Whitley! Hot chip! Modest mouse! Little red! And I got about 1.3gb of new music from Sarah at work, we traded music via her external hard drive. Way cool.

- GREAT FRIENDS. I'm in love with my mates. All of them, and they know who they are. Like seriously, I love you all so much. And spending the BDO with some of you was so much fun :)

- ENROLLING FOR CLASSES AT GRIFFITH! It's so weird yet exciting and frustrating all at once. My timetable is a mess but I'm going to be doing photography so I'll be happy!

- SOY THINGS! Soy crisps, chips, milk.. I love it all. I'm nom nom noming on soy crisps right now. Yay!

- NEW DRESS FROM MOMBASA! $60 down to $19! It's cute and has pockets and is made of cotton! I'll post a picture.. eventually.

- BUMMING AROUND WITH JADE. Watching Gilmore Girls and eating random things with Jade is great. She's great. Get well soon baby!

- SENDING LOTS OF TEXT MESSAGES ALL THE TIME! It's so awesome cos I have lots of credit and don't have to worry about getting a giant bill at the end of the month! Thankyou optus!

- CAT EARS, HEAD BANDS AND BOWS! Rachel made me some cat ears, they're lime greena nd black and super cute. I love them. I also have bought alot of head bands lately and started making my own bows with some initial instruction from Rachel! EXCITING.

- MATT, KASSIE AND ALISON! They're all great and I had them all over my place the other day and we all just sat around and chatted and listened to music. Fun times :)

- USING TRIPLE J NEWS TO TELL THE TIME. I've been listening to JJJ for a few years now and I love using the news to tell the time, specially when driving, cos I don't wear a watch. Random but aweeesome. Yep.

- RAIN. God damn I love it. It's raining right now. Smells and sounds so good.


"Just to drop a note to say how much I enjoyed reading your BDO review!

I’ve been researching all day for BDO bands and your blog popped into google.. what a great writer you are!
(and great music taste too!)

2009 is definitely a great year to do great things! Good luck with your photography course.

Best Wishes
Jane Gazzo
Presenter - Channel [V]"

I just about fell off my chair when I read that email at work, for the sheer fact that someone would email me just to tell me they liked my blog. I then almost fell off my chair when I realised who it was that had emailed me! JANE GAZZO FROM CHANNEL V! AMAZING. I WATCH HER ON TV AND SHE EMAILED ME OUT OF THE BLUE. Amazing amazing. Made my day.

I think that's all for my TiLT for this thursday!

I'm listening to Triple J and Dr Karl just said people up to the age of 21 need 10 hours of sleep every night. Not 8. Interesting! Thanks Dr Karl!

Ok enough blogging now! I need to go wash my car and clean out my fish tank! Oh yes!

Love from Ms Wright

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Farewell Rocketship

Hello blog readers! (I keep finding out there's actually alot more of you than I first thought, which is amazing. The fact that anyone would want to read my blog is wonderful, the fact that people want to read it more than once is inspiring! Thankyou all, really, really.)

So, this weekend just gone was the weekend of the Big Day Out.
I tell you, I had the best day ever. I spent it with some of my most favourite people, I got to see alot of bands I'd been wanting to see for ages, I didn't get sun burnt or dehydrated and I didn't even spend much my money! And I ate Govinda's! (nom nom nom!) Overall, the day was a SUCCESS!

I saw so many bands this year, I really packed them in - Sparkadia, Children Collide (so rad, Farewell Rocketship remains my fave song of theirs, hense the blog title), BIRDS OF TOKYO (WHO WERE AMAZING), The Grates, Little Red (WHO I WAS SOOOO IMPRESSED BY! AMAZING HARMONIES MAKE ME MELT.), The Ting Tings (who I thought would be really dull but were actually pretty good!), Pendulum (Jade and I danced alot), I Heart Hiroshima (love!), Cut Copy (always good, even if I was sitting down for half of it), and finally Hot Chip (again, more dancing). So much amazing music! So many good times, so much amazing music, so many wonderful friends! <3
I had a really great day!

Good thing about this year was that everyone (bar Wilko) was over 18! We all got our 18+ wristbands and it was wicked rad. I even came up with the phrase "With our powers combined, together we are ADULTS!" (or something similar) when Dan, Rach and I were sitting around talking about the wristbands after the BDO. I said the phrase then we all smacked out wrists together. Lol. Kinda had to be there I suppose :P

The whole weekend was great. Spent it with some brilliant people whom I lurrrve. Watching tv and eating pizza with Dan and Rach was so great. Chilling with Jade, Rach, Dan and Wilko after the BDO was so sweet too. And mine and Rachel's holiday resort was AMAZING. It was meant to be twin share but the place was huge! So many beds and balconies and bathrooms! Haha! It was the Taj Mahal of the Gold Coast. Can't wait to do it all again in 2010! (Feels weird saying 2010.. it's NEXT year! Woah!) The photo to the left is our hotel. It was nuts.

Quick polaroid photo montage! From the weekend! YAY!

Moving on from the big day out to other thoughts that have been running through my head of late - These things are more um... serious?
I've had alot of people telling me I'm pretty great lately, like, people generally tell me these things and I don't believe them but it's been happening ALOT lately. I've never ever thought of myself as great, amazing, pretty, nice, kind, approachable, sweet, gentle, cute, adorable or anything remotely similar to any of those things. Also that I'm really well proportioned apparently?! And people've also been saying I'm normal and likeable but also really unique. Weird but not too weird. Etc etc. I find it odd. I don't think I'm those things. I'm mostly just I giant dork I think. Ok well, a huge dork. Haha.

And, seeing as it's now 3 weeks into 2009, I thought I should do a little reflecting on my goals for the year and thinking about the changes I've made or am going to make. Just so I don't forget.
This year I'm trying to be more open, and have more control of my life at the same time.
I'm going to learn to make decisions because I want to, and not care about what others think.
I also will learn to say no to people when I want to.

2009 will be the year of change. The year I try to learn to start loving myself.
The year I start to try to like how I look.
The year I say no to things and start leaving some baggage behind.
The year I actively choose who I spend my time with, and make an effort to surround myself only with those whom make me feel good.
I'm cutting the shit out of my life, starting now.

I've started to change and will continue to. Like it or lump it.
I don't really know who I am entirely as a person yet, but I'm getting there, slowly.
Some people have noticed and apparently I've changed for the better. So there you go.

Ok enough seriuosness.

I had a brillaint weekend.
Farewell Big Day Out! Cannot wait until BDO 2010!

Love from Little Miss Pipe-Dream Fantasy

p.s Thanks to Jade and Cal who said I make them feel really proud of me. I'm changing and they both love it and I love them for loving it.

p.p.s I got into Photography at Griffith for this year! YAY!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hullo all!

I finally made myself a POLYVORE account!

Here's my first three sets I've made -

Save the Unicorns!
Save the Unicorns! by Louchasy

Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots by Louchasy

The Colour Purple
The Colour Purple by Louchasy

I like the purple one alot.
I'll get better at making them, I'm sure.

That's all I wanted to post for now!


TiLT - Week TEN!

Things I’m loving this Thursday.. (there’s a lot!)

- NEW PHONE NEW PHONE NEW PHONE!I finally got a new phone and it’s wicked awesome and I love it. It’s a Nokia 3120 and doesn’t flip or slide. Brilliant.

- Belated birthday celebrations and presents! Saturday night was WONDERFUL. I spent it with all my favourite people celebrating my birthday a few weeks late and it was so great! (That rhymes! Lol!) But yes, very fun. We had dinner and went clubbing! And I got some great presents! Two of my fave people gave me money to pay for my tattoo! I just about died when I opened their cards! So generous! And I got cds and pens and nose studs from other people! I felt so special! And I got lots of hugs and some friends even bought me jugs of drinks at the Embassy. So great. Great great great night out! I feel so lucky to have so many lovely friends <3 I LOVE YOU ALL.

- The Embassy and The Planet! See the above dot point! Great clubs! I had lots of fun! I wanna go to both again, soon!

- I bought myself some dark silver liquid glitter eyeliner! It’s wicked. I got it from Sports girl for $10! I’ve wanted more glitter in my life and on my face for ages and now I can have that! Woo!

- Today I bought glittery fake eyelashes for $3.50. They’re gorgeous and I’m excited. They even came with eyelash glue! Boo yah! Bargain! I’ll wear them next time I go somewhere nice.

- Continuing with the make up theme.. I finally got my Lime Crime! It’s amazing and SO glittery. Love! And, like I said, I love glitter. Next time I go out I’m going to be so glittery people will think I’m some sort of human disco ball. It’s going to be great.

- This one’s by far one of the most important ones on my TiLT list this week - Getting into my uni course for 2009! I GOT IN TO BACHELOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY AT GRIFFITH FOR THIS YEAR! I CAN’T BELIEVE I GOT IN! I’M FINALLY GOING TO BE DOING PHOTOGRAPHY AT UNI! I’M SO SO SO EXCITED AND SO SO SO NERVOUS! WHEEEEE! (The picture to the left is one Rach took of me taking a photo at Trial Kennedy last week)

- Did I mention I got a new phone that works and does cool stuff? PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE YAY.

- GOING TO THE GYM WITH JADE. OH MAN. IT’S SO GREAT! We’ve been 3 times already! Going again tomorrow! I will be fit and actually like myself soon! Yess! Best decision I’ve made this year was to join the gym and start going regularly with Jade. I love it.

- TRIAL KENNEDY! Saw them live for the first time last Friday night! They were so great live, even if the dudes in the front row kinda blocked our view for half the set. Trial Kennedy were brilliant live, and I was there with some of my most favourite people which made it even more rad! Can’t wait to see TK when they come back in March with Birds of Tokyo! (The picture to the left is from TK)

- Wicked hand me down head phones! Alison gave me her collapsible Skull Candy head phones because my ears are that tiny I can’t really use the in ear ones or the normal ipod ones like any other person. These Skull Candies are SO GREAT. They collapse so I can take them on the train and aww man I love them. THANKYOU ALISON! A LOT! <3

- Photo shoots! On Monday just gone I did my first ever PAID photo shoot! It went awesomely and I’m really proud of myself. It was for a mate I’ve known since pre-school, she writes her own music and sings. Check her out here, and you can see my photos! - The photos are on Chloe’s myspace, facebook and are going to be on other various music and venue websites, as well as The Powerhouse advertisements for her gig there!

- Mango smoothies. Jade made me a kick arse mango smoothie today. It was so yummy! NOM NOM NOM. I want another one!

- Ribbon and head bands! This week I bought ribbons from Spotlight and head bands and I’m going to cover the head bands in pretty ribbons and add bows. Sounds weird but I’m excited. Custom head bands for me, oh yes.

- $9 shoes! Best bargain I’ve gotten this week! They were rduced from $35 and they’re little black flats with bows on them. I’ll wear them out when I don’t wanna wear heels. They’re sure cute, good find Jadey! <3

- LITTLE RED! CITY AND COLOUR! KAISER CHEIFS! THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT! I’ve gotten 4 new cds in the past week! Exciting! I’m addicted to City and Colour SO FREAKING MUCH. I can have it on repeat for hours and don’t get sick of it. It’s so melodic and gorgeoussss!

- LOMOLITOS! I finally got my lomo photos developed! THEY’RE GORGEOUS! Not all of them turned out but the ones that did are so cuteeee. I’ll scan them and upload them soon. Exciting!

- RANDOM PRESENT FROM DAD: Smirnoff Triple Distilled Vodka! ONE WHOLE LITRE OF THE STUFF. It’s SO strong and super duper alcoholic. He was all like: Make sure you do it in shots, but also make sure you have small shots cos it’s twice as strong as regular vodka! I’m like: SWEAT DEAL. THANKS DAD! He got it duty free coming back from his NZ holiday. Yewwww.

Life is pretty darn good right now.
(Apart from the fact that I'm so insanely poor... lol. I need to be like Rachel and go on a shopping ban!)

Random photos from the week (all the photos in this blog are from friday and saturday nights) -

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sam Malone

Hello blog readers!

I felt like blogging, so here I am.. sitting at my desk at a quater to midnight, tapping away at the keyboard whilst listening to City and Colour through my collapsable Scull Candy headphones I got from Alison. Thanks Al <3
God I love these head phones, and City and Colour.

City and Colour are so soothing for my soul. And at the same time they make me want to sing out loud so badly. Even though I don't know all the words to every song (yet) they make me want to sing, and sing loudly, so much. And some of the songs make me sad too.
It's a giant emotional road trip, but I adore them and their melodic songs and their brilliant lyrics. Sam Malone would probably be my fave song of theirs, or The Girl, or Waiting, or Sleeping Sickness. I want City and Colour in my ears. All the time. I want them in my blood. Everywhere. They're so so so lovely.
Thanks for buying me the album Dan <3 I can't get enough of it.

In other news, I did my first paid photography shoot today (other than my puppy portraits and the shots I took for the Lung Cancer foundation) - It was pretty neat. I love playing photographer and working with the settings on my camera and the natural light and everything.
So wonderful. I want to do it as a career so badly. I'd love to be a fashion photographer. Or a band photographer. Or just a photographer in general.
I need my own photography website I think. "Louise Wright : Freelance Photographer".
A girl can dream!

Speaking of photography, I found out if I've gotten into my course at the end of the week. I'm rather nervous. I want to get in so badly, but at the same time I'm SO petrifed. What if I get in and then suck at it? What if my natural skills can only get me so far and everyone else is way more creative than me?!
And as well as this, I'm scared of leaving QUT, sure, I don't enjoy QUT that much but I've made some AMAZING friends there and I don't want to leave them. Plus the art department and all is teachers and helpers are so great. I miss Mike and Sturt.
And then, what if I don't even get into photography, I'll have to stay at QUT and do Fine Arts?! Sure, it'd be fun but ugh. I doubt it would get me anywhere. I'd become an even more giant art num than I already am. Lol.
Moving on.

Dan says I'm "as easy as pie" when it comes to getting boys to like me.
Random but made me giggle.
Dan says nice things unexpectedly.

Another random side note - I LOVE CAITEY FROM WORK. SHE'S HOT... AND SHE KNOWS IT.
I love our stupid web cam conversations. And I wish her heart wasn't so broken, love hurts.
Poor bub.

Anywho. Moving on to something more substantial in blogger terms.. Umm.. I'm feeling really materialistic lately. To display this strong feeling of materialistic-ness I put some of the things I'm loving the most at the moment into a nice arrangement on my desk and took a photo. Cos I'm weird like that. It's like my own personal Polyvore picture. (Reminds me, I NEED to creat a Polyvore account asap!)

So here's the picture:

In the picture I've got :
- 2009 diary covered in photocopied art by Karl Kwasny
- NEW mobile phone! Nokia 3120! I'M IN LOVE.
- Purple Kit nail polish
- Scull Candy collapsable head phones from Alison
- New cds - City and Colour from Dan and Kaiser Cheifs from James
- Random square bracelet I've had for ages and still love.. from.. I don't know where I got it from. It cam in a set of about five, all black but different shapes.
- My love: Canon 450D SLR. Need I say more?
- LOMOLITOS! The dispoable lomo Al got me for my birthday! I've used up all 24 shots, now I need to ge tit developed.
- Pastel gel pens. Bought like 8 of them in all different colours when I first starteduni this time last year. I still love them all alot and use them alot alot
- NEW Starry Eyed liquid glitter eye liner from Sports girl! I love it! $9! Woo!
- Shiny Licious lip gloss by Maybelline... got it for $3 on sale. I adore it. Wooh!
- My fave mascara. Rimmel "Volume Flash" It's mousse and great.
- NEW sterling silver hoop earings! Bought with a gift card form my auntie for my birthday! They make me feel kinda pirate-esk but I love themmm.

Ok enough consumerism for now.

On to other things.. like me realising how wonderful ALL my friends are. Went out saturday night with lots of uni, school, internet and ranodm other friends and it was great.
Made me realise how lucky I am. I love you all. Really, really, really.
I also realised on saturday night some people are really petty, and if they're gonna get all antsy over me not inviting them out clubbing well then they don't deserve to be invted I don't think.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

I think I'm done spasmodically blogging for now.
I feel good writing a non-TiLT blog!
And it's now 1am.
I need sleep.

Goodnight world.

p.s I'm proud of Rachel for being happy lately. And her new cow boy boots are hot. And I miss Jade. We need more gym sessions, asap.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hello blog readers!

I’m loving a lot this week, here’s my list -

Sunset Sounds! It was a really great day and I had funnn. Going with Jade and Dan was wicked cool also. AND ZOMG TEGAN AND SARA! THE KOOOOOOKS! ANDDDDDD THE CAT EMPIRE! MADE ME SO HAPPY. I was literally buzzing after The Cat Empire, they’re that great. Also the cookies and lemonade they sell at festivals is always a win.

Giving away A LOT of clothes! Ok so we all know I have a giant wardrobe that’s splitting at the seams, well, in the past few days I’ve started to sort through it all and get rid of some stuff. So far I’ve gotten rid of 22 items of clothing (about 70% only worn a minimal amount of times) as well as some hand bags I don’t use anymore and some shoes and belts. This is great in general cos it means my wardrobe isn’t going to explode quite as much, but it’s also great because the clothes I’ve given away have made a bunch of mum’s friends and their kids happy! And even better, giving away clothes makes room for new clothes THAT I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE.

New clothes! FINALLY! So, kinda a continuation from the last bullet point but I BOUGHT NEW CLOTHES TODAY. I wrote a list and went to Chermside and shopped alone, then went back with mum a few hours later. I’ve not bought everything on my list yet, but I did buy two really cute skirts, a cute cute cute summer dress and a little cardigan thingy with crocheting on it today! I’m going to go to DFO to finish shopping with mum next week. Before today I hadn’t bought any clothes since September ’08, so this is exciting for me. The picture to the right features my new skirt. Can't really see if well but yeh, it's cute.. it's black, white, yellow, blue, green and pink. One of the most colourful things I own. I loveeee it.

Eyebrows! I finally went and got them waxed and tinted today! IT’S SO GREAT AND MY EYEBROWS ARE GORGEOUS NOW. No more caterpillar eyebrows for me, no sir. My eye brows are that great I even pinned my hair back and went out in public like that today!

Eye makeup! Jade did awesomecore sparkly eye makeup on me for Sunset Sounds, it was 3 shades of green and silver sparkles. So cool. I'm itching to get my hands on the Limecrime eye shadow I ordered and have a go at that!

Stars! I went to see them with Alison on Sunday night and they were wicked rad. I was suitably impressed by them. And their Canadian accents were kinda cute, haha! Good timesss. We also made friends with a guy named Paul who was really tall. Tall Paul was nice.

JOINING THE LOCAL PCYC WITH JADE! I’ve been wanting to get fit, loose weight and have some sort of regular exercise routine in my life for the last year or two, and now I’ve finally started that journey. Jade and I joined the local PCYC (for gym purposes, no blue light discos please!) today and then spent an hour sweating our hearts out in the gym. IT WAS AWESOME AND I WANT TO GO AGAIN. Nothing beats the feeling you get from exercising! All those happy endorphins! Sure, exercise is pain but it’s goooood pain. THANKYOU JADE.

EAR RINGS! I got a $30 Prouds gift voucher from my auntie for my birthday, so tonight I went into Prouds and came out with not one but TWO pairs of silver ear rings! They were having a sale and now I have nice new silver hoops and I loooove them. I got some little round studs too. YAY. I’ve missed not wearing hoops.

CUP CAKES! Jade made the most brilliant triple chocolate with vanilla flavoured icing cupcakes this week! They had sprinkles and were just delicious. Here's a photo too :) NOM NOM NOM. THANKS JD.

SUMO SALAD! Seriously, never had it before today but man it was good! You choose what size container you want and then they smush as many different kinds of salad as you want into the container! I got chicken and avocado salad, potato salad, pumpkin cous cous and also greek salad, all in the one container. SO GOOD AND CHEAP AND FILLING. Made me happy.

The guy who sold me my lemonade today. He was cute and friendly and had a lip piercing and nice eyes and a normal hair cut. So sweet. Nuff said.

Upcoming things I’m excited about that are on my mind and deserve a mention – Trial Kennedy tomorrow, dying my hair purple-y brown tomorrow, dinner and clubbing on Saturday night, shopping at DFO on Sunday, possibly doing a photo shoot (which I’m going to be PAID for) on Monday, going to the gym on Monday with Jade, tacos on Tuesday at the Alibi Room, annnnnnd Big Day Out next weekend!

Hope you all had a fabulous week!
Here's a picture of me. I wore pig tails the other day. Yup.
The end!

p.s - Hi Sam. Long time no talk! Hope you and your cat are both ok.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Reflecting on 2008, quiz style.

Best way to sum up my 2008...

1.What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Started and finished my first year of uni.
Drove home all the way from Bundaberg.
Had accommodation for the Big Day Out.
Went clubbing.
Got my nose pierced.
Got pet fish.
Went out drinking on week nights.
Skipped uni lectures to hang out with James or Cyrstal or Ali or Erin or Rach and Jd.
Bleached large chunks of my hair and had some of my hair melt as a result.
Hung out with my work mates outside of work and got drunk with them on a few occasions.
Helped with surgeries at work.
Had drinks with Matt from RO.
Didn’t have anyone sing happy birthday to me on my birthday, or have a cake of any kind.
Hung out with my twin Rach, a lot.
Worked Sundays at the vet on my own.
Started a new job at Choice Desserts.
Had my photos in an exhibition at uni!
Started planning my tattoo.

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution was to get fit. That didn’t happen. Maybe in 2009… Haha.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

A few people at work. But not really anyone close.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No people, no. My pet Siamese fighting fish died though. Poor Marley.

5. What countries did you visit?
None. I did go to Melbourne, Bundaberg and both Gold and Sunshine coasts though.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
A fantastic boyfriend. A place in the Photography course at Griffith. Some semi-regular horse riding. Travel. Better dress sense.

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Oh man, so so so many! It’s be novel length if I went into detail so I’ll skim over some memorable dates - The Big Day out, seeing Kisschasy twice in a week, seeing The Grates on a boat, my first day of uni, seeing The Presets with Chris on my birthday, seeing Repeat Offender about a million times, (basically seeing every band I’ve seen this year, which is A LOT) going to Melbourne and seeing Wicked, my last day of uni, RO announcing their break up, being in the front row of Death Cab, (same goes for Kisschasy, Something with Numbers, Cat Empire, PATD, The Grates, The Living End, the list goes on...) having my photos on display in an exhibition at uni, my tsb being shortlisted for best tsb in 2008, getting my DSLR camera, my birthday day, JACK COMING HOME... etc.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Probably the end of semester two of uni. Doing assignments on the day they’re due is not a good idea. I still got pretty good marks but still. Un-needed stress. I thought I was going to fail. I’ll never do that to myself again.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Back pain, nothing new though. And I got really sick in early December for about a week.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

My laptop, my Panasonic Lumix camera, my Canon 450D SLR, my multiple pairs of cons, my pet fishes.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
All of my close friends =] There’s lots of people, but Jade and Rach spring to mind mostly.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Let’s not go there. A few people.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Concert tickets, cds, bus fares, food, things for my dogs, petrol, board, phone bills! And car rego and insurance.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Pretty much all the things from question 7. Uni, concerts, seeing awesome friends, making new awesome friends.

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?

Anything Repeat Offender, MGMT, The Presets, Lady Hawke, Trial Kennedy, Cut Copy, Birds of Tokyo or Kings of Leon.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. Happier or sadder? Probably about the same. This time last year I was about to start uni and had just finished year 12. Weird. Now I’m about to start my second year of uni.
ii. Thinner or fatter? Fatter. Like 4kgs fatter.
iii. Richer or poorer? Poorer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Personal art. And exercise. AND HORSE RIDING. GOD I MISS IT.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Bad sleeping and eating patterns. Being not happy.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?

Spent it with mum’s side of the family for dinner. Wooh.

22. Did you fall in love in 2008?

Not with a human no. Fell more in love with my dogs though.

23. How many one-night stands?


24. What was your favorite TV program?
America’s Next Top Model, Gossip Girl!!!! Gilmore Girls, Scrubs. Haha.

25. Did you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Don’t hate but dislike yeh.

26. What was the best book you read?

The “His Dark Materials” trilogy.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Oh man, so many! Re-discovering Trial Kennedy was great, ummm Birds of Tokyo! Lady Hawke! Cut Copy! The Paper and The Plane, Angelas Dish, Numbers Radio… etc.

28. What did you want and get?
CHRISTINA AGUILERA PERFUME. Got it for xmas from mum. And I got my laptop and cameras! <3

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Oh man umm.. Fight Club’s a long time fave and still is haha. And Hard Candy was awesome. Juno. And lol Hairspray. And Twilight for it’s Edward Cullen-ness.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 19! Went to Never Ever Land with Chris. Then went to Rachel’s house. Pretty great.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Maybe finding someone to love? And going horse riding. Gosh.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Band tshirts and short shorts. All the time. I’m working on changing that.

34. What kept you sane?

Music. My fab school and uni friends. My dogs. Sleep.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Same as always – Jake Gyllenhaal. Heath Ledger. Matthew McConaughey. Karl from Kisschasy.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

I tried my hardest to ignore all that. Probably all the issues with the whaling.

37. Who did you miss?

I had everyone I wanted around me most of the time. I do miss not seeing all my friends from school 5 days a week though.

38. Who was the best new person you met?

So many! James! Crystal! Erin! Kim! Frank! They’re probs the bestest of all the people I met this year.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:

People aren’t always who they seem, and worrying about everything won’t fix anything. Also friends and money don’t mix.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:“Pick and pull apart leaving me split at the seam” – Birds of Tokyo.
Or “I’m just a suitcase” – RO.
Loads of others but those were the first to spring to mind.

The end.

p.s I've just realised the numbers of the questions don't match. There's a few numbers that are skipped. Haha. Weird.

p.p.s The photos are polaroids cos I downloaded this wicked rad program that makes your photos into polaroids. You can get it here.

TiLT - Week Eight

Hello everyone!

Welcome to 2009!
Can't believe it's finally here.

Things I'm loving this thursday -

- Spending $84.95 at HJs on new years day. Way to start the year. We'll be re-telling that story for aaaaages, I can tell. Best part was the dirty looks the register chick gave us when we told her what we wanted to order. Haha. We are the kings of Hungry Jacks strathpine.

- Being with some of my fave people ever for NYE! Jaaaaaaaade, Rach, Al, Jack, Dan, Tom and Joe! =] Good times even if everyone does love to pay me out alot.

- Colourful drinks. I'm a huge fan of brightly coloured alcoholic drinks. Specially ones you mix yourself. Fruit tingles are the best. And anything with blue curacao. Hehe. =]

- Being rostered on for surgery on Wednesday and actually helping the vets with all the surgeries! It was WICKED AWESOME. We amputated a dog's leg because it's leg was full of cancer. And I helped with desexings and also a dental.

- Being able to use my new 2009 diary, covered in Karl Kwasney's art. Exciting!

- Reading Gala’s awesome posts from 30th Dec – 1st Jan, they were all SO inspiring, especially the "Things to do before 2009" one.

- Starting to sort through my clothes and get rid of a few.. kinda. I've already started, as of yesterday, trying to eleminate some of my massive collection of clothes. And I'm gonna give away some shoes too. And then I'm going to go to Myer and buy clothes I acutally like.

- Stars concert this coming Sunday, Sunset Sounds on Wednesday, Trial Kennedy next friday!

- Seeing everyone from school at Kyle’s party. Pretty hilarious. Made me realise how much I DO NOT miss most of the people I went to school with. Haha.

- Using Al’s fish eye lense and generally going nuts taking photos as per usual. So many good photos from the last week! I'm gonna add loads of photos into this blog. I almost made a blog entiredly of photos the other day, I've taken that many fun ones lately.


- Reflecting back on the year that was 2008. Alot happend. Alot changed. Alot of things also didn't change. I've realised alot of things and grown as a person... and I'm looking forward to discovering 2009. More changes to come.

That’s pretty much it. Between xmas day and today hasen’t been too busy. Just going to work every day and hanging out with people. Wooh.

Happy New Year!