Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hello blog readers!

I’m loving a lot this week, here’s my list -

Sunset Sounds! It was a really great day and I had funnn. Going with Jade and Dan was wicked cool also. AND ZOMG TEGAN AND SARA! THE KOOOOOOKS! ANDDDDDD THE CAT EMPIRE! MADE ME SO HAPPY. I was literally buzzing after The Cat Empire, they’re that great. Also the cookies and lemonade they sell at festivals is always a win.

Giving away A LOT of clothes! Ok so we all know I have a giant wardrobe that’s splitting at the seams, well, in the past few days I’ve started to sort through it all and get rid of some stuff. So far I’ve gotten rid of 22 items of clothing (about 70% only worn a minimal amount of times) as well as some hand bags I don’t use anymore and some shoes and belts. This is great in general cos it means my wardrobe isn’t going to explode quite as much, but it’s also great because the clothes I’ve given away have made a bunch of mum’s friends and their kids happy! And even better, giving away clothes makes room for new clothes THAT I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE.

New clothes! FINALLY! So, kinda a continuation from the last bullet point but I BOUGHT NEW CLOTHES TODAY. I wrote a list and went to Chermside and shopped alone, then went back with mum a few hours later. I’ve not bought everything on my list yet, but I did buy two really cute skirts, a cute cute cute summer dress and a little cardigan thingy with crocheting on it today! I’m going to go to DFO to finish shopping with mum next week. Before today I hadn’t bought any clothes since September ’08, so this is exciting for me. The picture to the right features my new skirt. Can't really see if well but yeh, it's cute.. it's black, white, yellow, blue, green and pink. One of the most colourful things I own. I loveeee it.

Eyebrows! I finally went and got them waxed and tinted today! IT’S SO GREAT AND MY EYEBROWS ARE GORGEOUS NOW. No more caterpillar eyebrows for me, no sir. My eye brows are that great I even pinned my hair back and went out in public like that today!

Eye makeup! Jade did awesomecore sparkly eye makeup on me for Sunset Sounds, it was 3 shades of green and silver sparkles. So cool. I'm itching to get my hands on the Limecrime eye shadow I ordered and have a go at that!

Stars! I went to see them with Alison on Sunday night and they were wicked rad. I was suitably impressed by them. And their Canadian accents were kinda cute, haha! Good timesss. We also made friends with a guy named Paul who was really tall. Tall Paul was nice.

JOINING THE LOCAL PCYC WITH JADE! I’ve been wanting to get fit, loose weight and have some sort of regular exercise routine in my life for the last year or two, and now I’ve finally started that journey. Jade and I joined the local PCYC (for gym purposes, no blue light discos please!) today and then spent an hour sweating our hearts out in the gym. IT WAS AWESOME AND I WANT TO GO AGAIN. Nothing beats the feeling you get from exercising! All those happy endorphins! Sure, exercise is pain but it’s goooood pain. THANKYOU JADE.

EAR RINGS! I got a $30 Prouds gift voucher from my auntie for my birthday, so tonight I went into Prouds and came out with not one but TWO pairs of silver ear rings! They were having a sale and now I have nice new silver hoops and I loooove them. I got some little round studs too. YAY. I’ve missed not wearing hoops.

CUP CAKES! Jade made the most brilliant triple chocolate with vanilla flavoured icing cupcakes this week! They had sprinkles and were just delicious. Here's a photo too :) NOM NOM NOM. THANKS JD.

SUMO SALAD! Seriously, never had it before today but man it was good! You choose what size container you want and then they smush as many different kinds of salad as you want into the container! I got chicken and avocado salad, potato salad, pumpkin cous cous and also greek salad, all in the one container. SO GOOD AND CHEAP AND FILLING. Made me happy.

The guy who sold me my lemonade today. He was cute and friendly and had a lip piercing and nice eyes and a normal hair cut. So sweet. Nuff said.

Upcoming things I’m excited about that are on my mind and deserve a mention – Trial Kennedy tomorrow, dying my hair purple-y brown tomorrow, dinner and clubbing on Saturday night, shopping at DFO on Sunday, possibly doing a photo shoot (which I’m going to be PAID for) on Monday, going to the gym on Monday with Jade, tacos on Tuesday at the Alibi Room, annnnnnd Big Day Out next weekend!

Hope you all had a fabulous week!
Here's a picture of me. I wore pig tails the other day. Yup.
The end!

p.s - Hi Sam. Long time no talk! Hope you and your cat are both ok.

1 comment:

Jade said...

they are awesome fotos of my cupcakes!