Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Farewell Rocketship

Hello blog readers! (I keep finding out there's actually alot more of you than I first thought, which is amazing. The fact that anyone would want to read my blog is wonderful, the fact that people want to read it more than once is inspiring! Thankyou all, really, really.)

So, this weekend just gone was the weekend of the Big Day Out.
I tell you, I had the best day ever. I spent it with some of my most favourite people, I got to see alot of bands I'd been wanting to see for ages, I didn't get sun burnt or dehydrated and I didn't even spend much my money! And I ate Govinda's! (nom nom nom!) Overall, the day was a SUCCESS!

I saw so many bands this year, I really packed them in - Sparkadia, Children Collide (so rad, Farewell Rocketship remains my fave song of theirs, hense the blog title), BIRDS OF TOKYO (WHO WERE AMAZING), The Grates, Little Red (WHO I WAS SOOOO IMPRESSED BY! AMAZING HARMONIES MAKE ME MELT.), The Ting Tings (who I thought would be really dull but were actually pretty good!), Pendulum (Jade and I danced alot), I Heart Hiroshima (love!), Cut Copy (always good, even if I was sitting down for half of it), and finally Hot Chip (again, more dancing). So much amazing music! So many good times, so much amazing music, so many wonderful friends! <3
I had a really great day!

Good thing about this year was that everyone (bar Wilko) was over 18! We all got our 18+ wristbands and it was wicked rad. I even came up with the phrase "With our powers combined, together we are ADULTS!" (or something similar) when Dan, Rach and I were sitting around talking about the wristbands after the BDO. I said the phrase then we all smacked out wrists together. Lol. Kinda had to be there I suppose :P

The whole weekend was great. Spent it with some brilliant people whom I lurrrve. Watching tv and eating pizza with Dan and Rach was so great. Chilling with Jade, Rach, Dan and Wilko after the BDO was so sweet too. And mine and Rachel's holiday resort was AMAZING. It was meant to be twin share but the place was huge! So many beds and balconies and bathrooms! Haha! It was the Taj Mahal of the Gold Coast. Can't wait to do it all again in 2010! (Feels weird saying 2010.. it's NEXT year! Woah!) The photo to the left is our hotel. It was nuts.

Quick polaroid photo montage! From the weekend! YAY!

Moving on from the big day out to other thoughts that have been running through my head of late - These things are more um... serious?
I've had alot of people telling me I'm pretty great lately, like, people generally tell me these things and I don't believe them but it's been happening ALOT lately. I've never ever thought of myself as great, amazing, pretty, nice, kind, approachable, sweet, gentle, cute, adorable or anything remotely similar to any of those things. Also that I'm really well proportioned apparently?! And people've also been saying I'm normal and likeable but also really unique. Weird but not too weird. Etc etc. I find it odd. I don't think I'm those things. I'm mostly just I giant dork I think. Ok well, a huge dork. Haha.

And, seeing as it's now 3 weeks into 2009, I thought I should do a little reflecting on my goals for the year and thinking about the changes I've made or am going to make. Just so I don't forget.
This year I'm trying to be more open, and have more control of my life at the same time.
I'm going to learn to make decisions because I want to, and not care about what others think.
I also will learn to say no to people when I want to.

2009 will be the year of change. The year I try to learn to start loving myself.
The year I start to try to like how I look.
The year I say no to things and start leaving some baggage behind.
The year I actively choose who I spend my time with, and make an effort to surround myself only with those whom make me feel good.
I'm cutting the shit out of my life, starting now.

I've started to change and will continue to. Like it or lump it.
I don't really know who I am entirely as a person yet, but I'm getting there, slowly.
Some people have noticed and apparently I've changed for the better. So there you go.

Ok enough seriuosness.

I had a brillaint weekend.
Farewell Big Day Out! Cannot wait until BDO 2010!

Love from Little Miss Pipe-Dream Fantasy

p.s Thanks to Jade and Cal who said I make them feel really proud of me. I'm changing and they both love it and I love them for loving it.

p.p.s I got into Photography at Griffith for this year! YAY!


Jade said...

im so freaking proud of you.
cutting the "shit" out was my first step and im so much better for it.
Im glad we're doing some of these things together.

Jade said...

p.s im so fucking cute in the foto of me and you in the bottom of your montage. icant get ove rit hahaha

Geez Louise said...

Thanks Jadey <3