Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TiLT - Week Eleven!

Morning blog readers and welcome to week 11 of my TiLTs!

Things I'm loving this week -
(Most of these things over lap but whatever!)

- THE BIG DAY OUT. See my blog from the other day. I had such a wonderful BDO, it was my 4th one I've been to in a row and I cna't thanks Jade enough for taking me to my first one back in 2006. It's always such a great day and this year was no exception!

- AWESOME WEEKENDS IN FABULOUS HOTELS! Our hotel for the BDO weekend was amazing! It was meant to be twin share but could easily have housed several families of people. It was nuts. Two bathrooms, three balconies, two bedrooms, total bliss.

- SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS IN A HOTEL WITHOUT PARENTS. Eating pizza and watching lame old videos on Max with Dan and Rach was rad core. I love them.

- NEW MUSIC! I looooove music and I love new music even more! This week I'm into Whitley! Hot chip! Modest mouse! Little red! And I got about 1.3gb of new music from Sarah at work, we traded music via her external hard drive. Way cool.

- GREAT FRIENDS. I'm in love with my mates. All of them, and they know who they are. Like seriously, I love you all so much. And spending the BDO with some of you was so much fun :)

- ENROLLING FOR CLASSES AT GRIFFITH! It's so weird yet exciting and frustrating all at once. My timetable is a mess but I'm going to be doing photography so I'll be happy!

- SOY THINGS! Soy crisps, chips, milk.. I love it all. I'm nom nom noming on soy crisps right now. Yay!

- NEW DRESS FROM MOMBASA! $60 down to $19! It's cute and has pockets and is made of cotton! I'll post a picture.. eventually.

- BUMMING AROUND WITH JADE. Watching Gilmore Girls and eating random things with Jade is great. She's great. Get well soon baby!

- SENDING LOTS OF TEXT MESSAGES ALL THE TIME! It's so awesome cos I have lots of credit and don't have to worry about getting a giant bill at the end of the month! Thankyou optus!

- CAT EARS, HEAD BANDS AND BOWS! Rachel made me some cat ears, they're lime greena nd black and super cute. I love them. I also have bought alot of head bands lately and started making my own bows with some initial instruction from Rachel! EXCITING.

- MATT, KASSIE AND ALISON! They're all great and I had them all over my place the other day and we all just sat around and chatted and listened to music. Fun times :)

- USING TRIPLE J NEWS TO TELL THE TIME. I've been listening to JJJ for a few years now and I love using the news to tell the time, specially when driving, cos I don't wear a watch. Random but aweeesome. Yep.

- RAIN. God damn I love it. It's raining right now. Smells and sounds so good.


"Just to drop a note to say how much I enjoyed reading your BDO review!

I’ve been researching all day for BDO bands and your blog popped into google.. what a great writer you are!
(and great music taste too!)

2009 is definitely a great year to do great things! Good luck with your photography course.

Best Wishes
Jane Gazzo
Presenter - Channel [V]"

I just about fell off my chair when I read that email at work, for the sheer fact that someone would email me just to tell me they liked my blog. I then almost fell off my chair when I realised who it was that had emailed me! JANE GAZZO FROM CHANNEL V! AMAZING. I WATCH HER ON TV AND SHE EMAILED ME OUT OF THE BLUE. Amazing amazing. Made my day.

I think that's all for my TiLT for this thursday!

I'm listening to Triple J and Dr Karl just said people up to the age of 21 need 10 hours of sleep every night. Not 8. Interesting! Thanks Dr Karl!

Ok enough blogging now! I need to go wash my car and clean out my fish tank! Oh yes!

Love from Ms Wright

1 comment:

Kate @ Tres Lola said...

Wow, your hotel sounds amazing! Where'd you stay?? & !!! how very cool about the email, congrats hun! x