Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's called a beret, thankyou.

So, today and yesterday were pretty interesting as far as days can go.
Most of this week has been interesting actually.
What a bonus for me, for my life to be interesting!

Ok so to explain the title of this blog - On monday I bought myself yet another beret, this new one is grey and wooly and I think it's cute.
I wore it yesterday when I was at Uni. Everyone seemed to like it, which was nice. Compliments about my new cute hat go down well with me.
But, anyway, relating to the title of this blog - My mate and I were wasting time in the Guild Bar on campus on Wednesday afternoon. We must've sat on that nice red couch in there for about 3 hours, just chatting and watching the sun set with me casually sipping my Smirnoff. (Haha.)
Yes, so, we're sitting there, and this random 3rd year Drama student comes up to us and goes: "Can I film you two being "social" with my friend?" And my friend and I, not wanting to be rude, were like, "Oh yeah... Umm.. Ok..."
So the drama studen'ts making a film about being social and eating out and she films her friend saying: "Eating out can provide a fun and social experience" (or something along those lines) and then she films her friend coming up and hi-fiving Jess and we're all sitting on the couch laughing and pretending we're great mates in a really fake and over-exagerated way.
Then she stops filming. We thought she was all done, then she's like: "Oi, you, girl in the beanie, I want you to hi-five too. You're not being social enough!"
It's called a beret, damn it.
Yep. So that's my random story that explains the title to my blog.

But, why did my mate and I have 3 hours to waste in the Uni Guild Bar I hear you ask!
Well, that's because last night my mate and I attended a little party/creative arts festival in which I was exhibiting some of my art, and so we had some time to kill beforehand because I had to drop my art off at 3pm and the party didn't actually start til 7pm.

The party was pretty good itself, there was some gorgeous art on display (not meaning mine here) and there was food and drinks and other fun stuff.

The "Snapshot of the day" for this blog is from last night, it's a picture I took of some guy looking at my art. It was amazing to sit anonymously and watch people look at my art, talk about it to whoever they were with and point at it. Such a great experience!
I had fun.
You can see the photo here >>>>

And Tuesday was wonderfully rad too. I got to hang out with my mate for hoursssss. I love her. We just sat on the grass and chatted and laughed for hours.
She's so wonderful, and she spoils me! She got me this cute hippie bracelet. I love it. I'm wearing it right now. I love it, and her.
And, as well as hanging with her, she and I also hung out with my new Uni friend too. He's really rad. And we (him and I) got the bus back to Uni and ended up (my some stroke of magical genious) only being ONE minute late for our 4pm tutorial. It was an insanely boring tutorial. It was all: "This is how we quote someone's opinion" and "This is how we reference" and "This is how we paraphrase."
So. Very. Dull.

That's about it really.
Not much else has been going on in my life that's particularly blog-worthy.
Just alot of me travelling to and from Uni, going to lectures and tutorials and catching up with ALOT of people along the way.
It's amazing how many people I've run into over the past few weeks. It's so great.
And I've made new Uni friends too, which is super rad.

Today I bought myself and a friend tickets to see Kisschasy play live in May. I paid for them over the internet usuing my credit card, which was a new experience for me. Haha.
It's not actually a credit car,d it's a debit card but I can use it as a credit card. Confusing but useful in situations where you need a credit card!
I'm so pumped for the concert though.
I adore Kisschasy. Alot.

That's all for now I think.
Hope you enjoyed my rather random blog!
Until next time, byee! - xox -

1 comment:

frankanarchy said...

So I read this and I think it's pretty cool.
I think you're pretty fun Louise and your description of your life is cool :)
I like the picture of a random guy looking at your art. That must have been pretty wicked =)