Sunday, March 9, 2008



My fantastical and first ever blog on!

So, I havn't blogged properly in about... 3 years... I think, so, as you can assume, this's pretty exciting for me right about now.

I'm going to try to update this blog with my thoughts and other ramblings regularly, but no promises. My urge to blog comes and goes, as I'm sure it does for most other bloggers...
But, we'll see.
For now I'm just going to take it as it comes.

I should be doing my uni homework and assignments for uni tomorrow, but me, being the Queen of Procrastination that I am, is doing everything but my uni work.

I've had the burning desire to blog for a long time now and so finally tonight I decided to take that desire and run with it.
Hense the creation of this blog.

Kudos to FRANK ANARCHY for being one of a few people to inspire me to start writing again.
Go and checkout her blog -
She's rad and I love her.

Another inspiration was WhatAboutAdam -
He is great. Really really.
Frank introduced me to his blog. Thankyou Frank!

One of my ideas for this blog, apart from me writing things and rambling alot is going to be a little section called "Snapshot of the day" - I'll add random photos of something or someone that's relevant to the blog I'm posting. So you get visual and written stuff in my blogs.
Should be fun. I hope. Tell me if it's not. Hahah.
Another little section I plan on doing in my blogging adventures is "Random thought of the day" - something I've had on my mind that's been bugging me for a while or something I've just randomly thought of that day.

I'll come up with other more interesting things as I go. Stay tuned.
Right, so that's all the business-y type things taken care of.
Now, down to the actual blogging.


I went to work. I work at a vet clinic doing vet nurse-y type things.
Work was dull today, a whole lot of sick animals and a whole lot of very rude customers.
Sadly, this was nothing unsual. Oh well.
Today I found out one of the vet nurses I work with is contemplating leaving where I work (She's been there 5 years) and having a total career change - She wants to work in a nursery watering plants and giving them fertilizer.
Random huh? I thought so.
Yep. So, after work I came home and I've been wasting time on the internet and watching tv ever since. Haha.

I count this blog as me actually doing something productive, and totally not a waste of time.
So there.

I'm off to uni tomorrow, day one, week three!
I'm doing arty type things at uni - a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Interdisciplinary) - my co-major is Communcation Design, my minors are Visual Art and also Advertising.
I have my photography lecture and tutorial tomorrow! It's one of my faves.
I. Love. Photography.

I think that's about it for now.
I need to go and clean my fish's bowl out.
If you read this, please leave me a comment! It'd make my day.

Bye for now

1 comment:

frankanarchy said...

Oh Louise you're awesome.
Thanks for the mention =)

You rock to an insane level.