Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Warning! This blog has no real point or direction, but hey, what else is new?!

I'm just going to dive right into things...
So, as mentioned in my TiLT, here's a photo from the vet's house who likes to hunt in his spare time. More pictures to come but this is all I have for now. I like it though.
It's so unsual to see a deer in someone's living room. Think about it.
It was so confronting at the time, I'm still mulling it over in my brain.

Apart from this I don't have many other interesting things to report.
I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I'm a student again. I did actual work outside of class today... researching artists and photocopying their photography counts as me doing work right? Righttt? Haha.
Photography at uni is so full on and in depth, and it's only the second week of classes! It's nuts! I bought one of my required text books today though, so I have all the good intentions of actually being a good student and actually studying.
We'll see how long that lasts.

In other news, Gossip Girl is the highlight of my week, no, really.
That and the fact that the new edition of Empty Mag will be appearing in my letter box any day now, I can't wait to get my hot little hands on it! I've been itching for the new edition for about a month now!
So yeah... My life is mega mundane and not interesting at the moment.
I'm going on photography camp next week, should be wicked awesome, no idea how I'm getting there though considering it's down near Byron Bay. But hey, it should be pretty cool. It'll be like school camp but with alot of expensive cameras and alcohol. And we're in dorms that're mixed and we pretty much decide everything about what we do, where/if we sleep, whether we want to actual do the photography workshops or not etc etc etc. Should be interesting, thats for sure.

Moving right along... I'm meant to be painting another TSB tomorrow but the weather forcast is rain. Everytime I go to paint this particular TSB something stops me - holiday to the coast, being really sick for 3 weeks, loosing my job, having to go to uni, and now on my one day where I don't have uni the predicition is rain, like, wtf mate. Not fair.

Anywho... As of this weekend I'm unemployed. I need to fix my resume and start handing it out places but I'm so just in denial that I've actually lost one of the few things that's been a constant in my life over the past 3.5 years. I'll no longer be Louise-who-works-at-the-vet. I'll just be Louise-who-used-to-have-a-cool-job-at-the-vet-and-is-now-unemployed-angry-and-poor.
Bleh. I'll find a new job somewhere I'm sure. In a few weeks, maybe. When I've got my shit together.

That's pretty much it for now. I think I shall go to bed.
The end.

p.s I straightened my hair on sunday for the first time in a longgggg time. I had to take a picture. Me with straight hair is a rarity. Woo. It's so yellow under fluro light.

Now I'm really going to bed.


Jade said...

i really desperatly want to bleach it again and pink it up man!!!!

Geez Louise said...

Yeaaaah! I have like 2cm of re-growth! Pink please!