Sunday, March 1, 2009


Hi all!

Ok, so yes, my TiLT list is a few days late, but, I had it written on thursday as normal then totally forgot to blog it!

I had a very shit week last week but here goes:

- "Looking for Alaska" by John Green - Rachel lent it to me, I'm addicted. I'm almost done, like 10 pages left and I've only had it just over a week. Brilliant stuff. I want to read Paper Towns next!
- Uni O Week - It was pretty daunting, and the maths tut was scary but the week over all was pretty great. Such a large variety of people enrolled in photography, some have been into it for years like me, others just decided over the summer to enrol in the course on a whim! Amazing!
- British India + Blood poets with Rachel last thursday! It was super fun times, we need to have more of these nights Rach!
- Lily Allen's new cd "It's not me, it's you" - Jade bought it for me and man, I've had it on repeat in my cd player ever since!
- The Week That Was and Port OBrien - Two bands I've been meaning to get into for aaaages and finally have, now I'm obsessed! Love!
- Eye make up! i'm slowly getting more confident, and with that, more addicted. Lime Crime is so much funnnn, especially when I use it with a wet brush!
- Sexy cameras! We had a photography expo at uni on thursday, mand that was amazing. I also discovered both my lenses for my DSLR are above and beyond the requirements that I need for uni, so I was pretty stoaked about that! Can't wait to get into it all!
- The nurses who I’ve come to call my family at work and are still on my side after everything. I loast my job on monday, and all my nurses have stuck by me so well. Michelle even got me a gorgeous bunch of tulips!
- Wilko! He took me out for Nandos and a late night romp in the park on thursday night! Cheered me up immensely :) Thankyou buddy!
- Jade! Sticking by me when my life is falling apart, even if hers is too, that is commitment right there.
- Dan giving me hugs.
- Making a few friends at a new Uni, and running in to lovely Erin today at uni! I'm thinking this year will be a good one!
- Bumming around with Jack. I LOVE YOU. Doing nothing but talk for 3 and a bit hours today was lovely!

Looking forawrd to : Photography camp and getting drunk with all my new photography class mates (apparently it's a tradition that everyone gets very drunk each night on camp! LOL!).
Birds of Tokyo and Trial Kennedy with Dan.
Sparkadia with Jade and Jack.
Catching up with all my mates who're going to uni at QUT!
Reading A Clockwork Orange that Jack lent me!

That's all.
Hope you all had a fabulous week, I didn't really, but the things I listed above sure helped cheer me up when I needed it most.

The end!



Rachie-Jean said...

lulz, sure you miss me.

I'm going to be homeless in a month if i don't find a new house >.<

Geez Louise said...

I do miss you!
Why would I say it if I didn't?