Friday, March 6, 2009

TiLT - Week Seventeen, and other random stuff, yo!

Welcome bloggers and the like!

So it's been a week since my last blog and although not too many ground breaking things have happened since then, a small update is in need. But, first let's get down to business - I've got a TiLT to publicise here.
On a random side note I am rather proud of myself for blogging fairly frequently over the last 5 or so months, makes me feel good, even if barely anyone actually ends up reading what I write.

Things that I'm loving this week are as follows:

Ok so almost everything on my TiLT list this week is uni and/or photography related, because I'm having a bit of a tough time trying to focus on work because I get sad but oh well. It's where my head is at right now.

- Being at uni again! It's so nice to be learning and actually engaging my brain in some sort of learning process is great. I've been taking notes in all my classes like crazy cos I really like writing and I learn more if I write it down. It's also really nice to be studying something I'm so infatuated with! It's amazing! All my tutors and lecturers are the most interesting and inspiring assortment of men and women too, it's so great. I'm going to re-read this blog in a few weeks when I'm stressed out to the max to remind myself why I liked uni in the first place.

- Making new photography friends! Following on from my first point, making new uni friends is awesome! I've met a few great people and I'm sure I'll meet more as the weeks go by, it's only week one after all. I'm sure once week 3 arrives and we go on crazy photography camp I'll meet loads more people! Woo!

- Being a photography student! Ok so following on again, uni is wicked rad. The photo of the bird of paradise is one I took today in my studio class. We were let loose in South Bank for an hour with a list of expercises for apeture, depth of field, ISO and shutter speed to complete. We then went back to the studio and some of us (those who were brave.. including me) gave our SD cards and we went through our shots in front of the class. The tutor said my shots were "good", which made me feel pretty cool considering he just said most other people's were "fine". Haha. Sometimes I feel I'm already in over my head in terms of the maths and science side of everything, but the actual practical stuff does make the maths make more sense.

- Birds of Tokyo and Trial Kennedy with Dan! Such a great night out, except for the whole drama of Dan forgetting his ticket. Haha. But yes, fantastic show put on by TK and Birds, I was throughly impressed. I sung along to all the songs and bopped my way through the whole gig whilst taking photos. The one to left is of the support, some random crazy Perth DJ named Thomas Ford. He gets 10 points for entertainment value alone, he was wearing a strand of light bulbs!

- Randoms complimenting me on my photos! Following on from my previous point, some random lady saw me taking photos during the gig and was looking over my shoulder when I was showing Dan, and then random leans down to me (Dan and I were sitting down on the ground between bands) and is all like: "Omg your photos are amazing! Wow! They're so good!" Etc. I was like: "Oh.. wow, thankyou... I'm a photography student" and then we chatted for a while. Turns out she went to school with the TK boys! So, after TK finish playing this random lady (the one who complimented me on my photos) goes down to talk to the lead singer of TK, Dan and I follow and end up meeting and getting our picture with the lead singer of TK! SO AWESOME. I HAD SUCH A GOOD NIGHT. THANKYOU DAN.

- Freelance photography work and being paid for it! I'm loving that I keep getting money for taking photos, it's pretty cool to earn money doing something you love. If you have a photography job for me let me know and I'll take photos for you! The photo to the left is a random one I took of the tulips Michelle got me. I was taking photos of them every day, sort of like a time lapse thing, seeing how they slowly wiltered and eventually died. I liked this shot in particular.

- Taco Tuesday! This tuesday I finally made it to the Alibi Room for Taco Tuesday, it was a great night out despite the fact that their air con was broken and we all literally had sweat dripping off us! Jack, Dan, Al and I ate mexican and then went and got gelati and spent hours chatting and eating, it was so lovely. I love you guys so freakin' much.

Special mentions: Budget shopping at Woolies with Jade and seeing Jade in general. Woooo. Yep. Also: Discovering that one of the vets at work has a hunting fettish and as a result has a zebra skin rug in his house, along with some buffallo, deer and gizelle heads mounted on the walls. It was amazing, horrifying and breath taking all at once. I've now patted my first zebra(!) - I just wish the zebra wasn't flat on the living room floor. Moving on... Other mentions go to: Subway, Woolies choch chip cookies, lemon lime and bitters soft drink that's no brand and cost me 80 cents, coleslaw (always a fave), Caitey from work cos she's great, my new face scrub cos it's awesome, the under water photos I took up the coast actually turning out and being hilarious (can't remember if I've mentioned that before or not... Not gonna re-read all my blogs to re-check either), the song "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West - I don't mind a bit of Kanye now and then, and I've had that one on repeat all week, actually logging into my DeviantArt account and considering updating things, taking photos of puppies and just about everything else, doing new tattoo designs on the train and finally - blackberry chupa chups.
The photo of the german shepard pup is one I took at work. Look close. He's winking. It's adorable.

For the second week in a row I've been slack and posted my TiLT on a friday.. I should change my post names to TiLF but that sounds weird. I'll try really hard to actually post it on thursday next week, I will!

Ok so I'm writing this TiLT then going to bed. I'm rather tired. My eyelids are drooping. And yet, my brain just wants to keep on going. I'm buzzing with ideas and thoughts about photography from my first week of uni. It's been really great so far. I've learnt so much and it's only been a week!

Following on with the lack of actual structure and logical thought sequences in this blog - I'm considering starting a photo blog, but I really like writing too so I'd be way too tempted to write loads of stuff everytime I posted a photo.
So, instead, I'm going to just keep blogging here and upload loads of photos (but hey, what else is new?!) as I blog. So there.
What a waste of a paragraph, haha. Oh well. This photo is an out of focus one of my fish. My fish are pretty cool, as far as fish go, the orange one, Norbert, has a bit of a fungal infection or something going on on some of his scales at the moment, I'm not really sure what to do but I'll take him to work soon and get someone to look at him.

ALSO! THE ITC! IT'S OVER! I FAILED (KINDA)! WOO! Well I didn't fail entirely, I went to the gym a fair bit but because I was sick for most of February it kinda ruined the ITC for me. But hey, the intentions and goals were there, haha. I haven't given up though. I'm after a life style change that's permanent, not just a one month challenge, so I'm going to try and keep it up. I've been to the gym twice this week despite having to work and/or go to uni everyday except wednesday! Woo!

Ok so I think I'm done randomly blogging for now. Hope you all had lots of things you were loving this thursday!
Little Miss Photography Obsessed

p.s Sam! HOW ARE YOU! Long time no talk! How's school? And the library? And Yogi?

p.p.s I've just discovered the "compose" button when you're creating a blog.. I've always just done it in the "edit html" part and not ever clicked the "compose" option.. I've now discovered the amazing world of being able to change fonts, and the colour and size of my text. This will be exciting, oh yes.


Rachie-Jean said...

I distinctly remeber yelling at you once "BUT KANYE IS AMAZING" i'm glad you listen.

Geez Louise said...

Yeah he's pretty cool.
I don't really like any other artists similar to him though.
But Kanye is cool.

Jade said...

baha your such a cutie!

Good tilt.
Good to see things are slowly getting better
told you ;) lol