Saturday, April 26, 2008

Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.

I'm not alone cause the TV's on yeah.
I'm not crazy cause I take the right pills everyday.
And rest, clean your conscious, clear your thoughts with speyside with your grain.
Clean your conscious, clear your thoughts with speyside.
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.
Our hearts littering the topsoil.
Tune in and we can get the last call.
Our lives, our coal.
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.
Our hearts littering the topsoil.
Sign up it's the picket line or the parade.
Our lives.
I'm not alone cause the TV's on yeah.
I'm not crazy cause I take the right pills everyday.
And rest, clean your conscious, clear your thoughts with speyside with your grain.
Clean your conscious, clear your thoughts with speyside.
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.
Our hearts littering the topsoil.
Tune in and we can get the last call.
Our lives, our coal.
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.
Our hearts littering the topsoil.
Sign up it's the picket line or the parade, our lives.
(I bled the) greed from my arm.
Won't they give it a rest now?
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt.
Our hearts littering the topsoil.
Tune in and we can get the last call.
Salt, sweat, sugar on the asphalt, our hearts littering the topsoil.
Sign up it's the picket line or the parade.

"Bleed American" - Jimmy Eat World.

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Seems lately I only write blogs when I'm grumpy.
I want to break this cycle but yet again, I'm kinda grumpy right now, and I'm blogging. I guess I'll have to save the cycle breaking for another day.

Is it possible to die from a broken heart ?
I wonder.
Like, Romeo and Juliet... or something.
Think about it.
Not saying I have a broken heart, coz I don't, not at all. But I just wonder if it's still possible to die from one.
I don't think so, not directly.. but maybe it could be a contributing factor to someone's death?
I don't know.
My train of thought is often totally random and odd.

Everything's a bit of a mess really.
Same old same old.
I want to change my uni course.. Not sure what to though. Maybe Visual Art.. Not really sure.

I want to move out.

Mum confronted me in the hallway tonight... she compared me to a japanese homestay student, coz whenever I'm home (which isn't very often these days anyway) I'm always in my room, listening to music or on my computer or asleep.
She doesn't realise how out of place I feel when I'm at home.
And the fact that my dad and brother barely talk to me doesn't really help.
I just think mum thinks she's loosing me or something.
She kinda already is.
Sorry mum.

Work was so dull today.
I'm sick of being abused about our prices by customers.
I don't set the prices, it has nothing to do with me when they maufacturers put their prices up. Seriously, nearly every single customer we get comlpains about prices.
We're still cheaper than like 99% of vets, and hey, if you can find Frontline or whatever for somewhere else cheaper, good for you. Go buy it there. Sif we care anyway, and sif you can actually find it all that much cheaper anywhere else anyway.
I'm also sick of stupid dickhead customers who don't know how to look after their animals.. or even worse, don't know how to look after them and can't afford to fix things when they go horribly wrong. Or they know they're doing wrong by the animal but are too selfish to be bothered to pay for medication or treatment, instead they'd rather buy beer and cigarettes.
People are so ignorant and selfish and rude.
Just because animals don't speak english doesn't mean they're worth any less than you.
Imagine if you had two broken legs and no one took you to the doctor or gave you pain relief. They just kept you in a room and left you sitting there.
If anyone found out that you were keeping a human in those conditions you'd go to jail.
Same shold go for animals.
The animal cruelty penalties in Australia are no where near as tough as they should be.
It's pathetic.

I'm. So. Over. Everything.

At least I have a few good friends to lean on.
They're my everything.

I'm gonna stop writing this now.
It's all angsty and not making me feel any better.


1 comment:

Rachie-Jean said...

Apparently you can die from heartache.
Someone told me I would, because I get so attatched to people so easily.

Sometime I think I will.

I want to change too. But to design. And i decided to do art as my elective next term.
The 3D processes one.
I hate uni. SO very very very very much.
I just can't handle how out of place i feel talking about 'the new economy' and everything when i just don't care about it.
I want to do something i enjoy and i'm starting to hate myself for not working hard and getting an op4 so i could do what i want to do. Or not been such a wimp and done art or something but i was way too scared of sucking.

I want to make you feel good.
But i probably can't, just like everyone telling me how much they love me and how great i am just doesn't help me.
Sorry guys.
I love you louise.
All parents lose their kids eventually. they just have to accept it. My parents haven't accepted it. I'm not going home. I'm never moving back there.
I'm done being deep for today.