Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Mmmm things have been kinda good lately.
Well, in comparison to last week at least.

Work on saturday was actually quite good.
Amazing, I know.
Didn't do much, no nasty customers and I got outta there on time.

Saturday night was great.. party at a friend's place which was rad.
Saw loads of people I havn't seen since school.. got toasty... didn't sleep much at all and generally had a good time. Met some new people too.

Sunday was wonderful. Hanging in the city with three of my favourite people then went to a rad live show and saw some of my fave local musicians - The Gallant, Steven Childs, Nina May and Postcards for Abby. Check them all out on myspace, totally worth it.
Oh, and while you're there, checkout these guys too - www.myspace.com/repeatoffendermusic

Took myself clothes shopping yesterday, something I hadn't done in aaaages.
Shopping is tiring. Really. Specially after a whole day at uni.
I bought myself a few bits and pieces - new jeans, a hoodie and two tops.
I'm not very stylish but whatever.
I needed new clothes so I bought some.

Had lunch with a new uni friend today and then hung out with two very very rad friends of mine.
I'm not naming names in my blogs, ever. So whatever.

In other news - I'm going to PANIC AT THE DISCO with a work friend! I'm excited.
And Kisschasy in a few weeks. I'm seeing them twice. Hehe.

On the downside of all that I'm still kinda drowning in uni assignments..
They never end. I've handed in 5 assignments in the last 2 weeks and I've still got loads more to do.


This blog is kinda dull.
Very newsy and not very interesting.
I'll continue anyway... it's not like loads of people read these, so it's ok for me to ramble.

I've come to the realisation everything good, great or fanstastic must come to and end, whether it's in 15 minutes, days, weeks, months or years, it does eventually end in some way or another, whether you want it to or not.
I'm not meaning this in reference to anything specific... just been thinking.
People come into your life for a reason, season or lifetime.
I'm trying to figure out which people in my life right now are the one's who'll be there in the long run.
Think about it.

That's all for now.
The picture at the top is one I took in my art class at uni last week.
I like the photo.

Until next time

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