Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Indie Indie Indie.

Hullo everyone!
(Who even reads my posts anymore? If you read them lemme know ok, that'd make my day. Alot.)

So I'm trying to write shorter blogs more often... When I remember. Haha.
Ok so yeah. Here goes. It'll probably end up long, but hey, who cares. It's my blog. I'll write what I want. Haha.

So, TOMORROW I'M OFF TO MELBOURNE FOR 5 DAYS WITH MY BEST MATE LEX AND OUR MUMS! We're going to go shopping and SEE WICKED ON SATURDAY and go out to lots of nice places to eat and whatnot.
It's going to be so rad. I'm so excited, if you can't already tell.
Part of the reason I wanted to blog was to let some of my excitement out, cos I fear I might explode. Haha.
I'm all packed and I'm so excited I don't even feel like going to bed. I'm like a little kid on christmas eve haha.
So yes, Melbourne will rock. Hardcore.

In other news..
I've handed in a bunch of uni assignments lately. I don't want most of the marks back. I hope I passed everything.
I always expect the worst and usually end up doing pretty well but this time I'm not sure. I really want good marks to keep my GPA up so I can get into Photography next year.
And I found a friend in my art class who's also leaving to do photography next year! So rad. Yep.

Speaking of photography - at work yesterday I set up a mini photo studio with a fabric back drop and everything! I took photos of all of our current puppy pre-school pups. So cute! Some of them turned out pretty well, others not so good, but overall I'm happy with the photos considering it was my first time and most of the puppies were too excited to sit still for even a second. I'll dump some photos in this blog for you all to see the cute-ness and my photography skillz, yo. Haha. Blogger is being a bitch and won't let me upload all of my photos. Gah. It let me do three, one at a time but took foreverr. I give up.

What else.. Umm.. Oh yeah! HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY TODAY: Recieving a MASSIVELY long comliment from my art tutor. Haha! I won't re-count it all word for word, but man, it was AWESOME.
Right, so, I don't think much of my art and my high school are teacher pretty much hated everything I made, so to hear my art tutor at uni give me compliments on my work was just amazing. And I don't care if it sounds stupid or like I'm up myself cos I know I'm not. It was just really assuring to get so many massive compliments from my art tutor. When other students say: "Oh that's really cool." I'm like: "Oh, haha, thankyou!" and don't think too much of it (unless it's a close friends who says it). But coming from my art tutor, it means alot to me. Always.
He said so many awesome things about how inspiring my art is, how it's so great that I experiement with so many interesting mediums, and how I always have so much ambition and drive and enthusiasm for my projects and ideas etc etc etc. He even said infront of the class, "Now, what Louise has done here with her work is just great, what she's done with the experimentation is above and beyond. What she's created and experimented with is at the level I am expecting from all of you" (or something very very similar to that)
I was like: BASHFUL BASHFUL BASHFUL. I just like, wow. I can't really describe it.
My art tutor is one of my fave teachers ever so it meant alot coming from him, considering how little I usually think of myself.
AND! My tutor even said (for the millionth time) that I really should change my degree and go and do a Bachelor of Visual Arts, and he said I wouldn't even need to do a protfolio, he'd just pull some strings and let me in!
AND THE FINAL THING I WANNA SAY ON THIS TOPIC IS: MY ART TUTOR CALLED ME INDIE, AMOUNG A MILLION OTHER AWESOME THINGS, INDIE. He said my art is indie. He said I was indie. And then he was all like: "I can't wait to see what indie artworks you come up with for your final project". Man, being called indie by your art teacher is so cool.

Moving right along... MY WEEKEND WAS RADCORE. I went to the Valley Fiesta friday night, and then went and saw Josh Pyke at the Zoo. Such a great night out!
And saturday night I saw The Frets and RO. Also really really awesome, as always. I was in the front row and RO played for a solid hour and I got some AWEEEEESOME photos. And Sam was there. Hi Sam.

ALSO! I GOT A FACEBOOK! Like a week ago, I decided to finally jump on the Facebook bandwagon after contemplating joining for a long while. I must say, I was rather disapointed. Like, Facebook's pretty good, but it's just like a grown up version of Myspace. Myspace for old people I call it.
And I totally HATE how random people from school that I know of but have never actually had a conversation with KEEP ADDING ME. YOU DON'T KNOW ME BITCHES, SO WHAT'S THE DEAL? Just cos you want to me about to say you have 188532234533456763228 friends on Facebook doesn't make you cool.

And what else.. I love my uni friends and my art Uni friends and my twin and Lex and Jade. Love them all. Alot.

That's about it for now from me I think.
Hope this blog was good reading material. Lol.
Probably wasn't but I feel better now I've blogged so ya.
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.


1 comment:

Rachie-Jean said...

lol lol you said you loved me!
I love you.
i also love jade!