Thursday, April 3, 2008

Melon owl.

This is a picture of an owl made out of fruit.
My friend sent it to me a few months ago.
It's pretty great.

I feel so indescribable right now.
My brain is a mush of thoughts, to do lists and feelings.
I really just want to sit and watch tv for hours on end, or colour in something useless or just sleep forever.

I really do not want to do any of my Uni asignments, and they're all due next week.
I also really really don't want to go to work this afternoon.

And, my car registration is due.
It's so freaking expensive, $512.80 to have my car registered for one year. Like, wtf kind of number is $512.80 ? Why not a nice round number like $510.00 ?

I just read my 2007 school year book.
It's pretty funny I think. There seems to be alot of random pictures slipped in of people doing cheesy grins and thumbs up, like, not just students but teachers too.
I think it's funny.
My economics report I wrote for the year book is also pretty funny. I wrote it in such a rush, in like, the last week or two of year 12. Haha. And now it's published in the 2007 year book for everyone to read for eternity. Someone'll read it in 50 years and go, "What a lame economics report." But really, all economics reports are lame, I mean, it's economics, the most exciting it can get is an excursion to Ikea.

In other news, I'm looking forward to saturday night, I'm gonna have fun.
I don't know what to wear.
I never know what to wear.

My siamese fighting fish, Marley, is swimming laps rouund his bowl and randomly splashing about. He thinks he's a pirahna. Oh Marley, you so crazy.
Here's some tiny photos of Marley in his bowl for your viewing pleasure.
I know the photos ar't very good quality but it's hard to photograph a crazy fish like Marley. But, at least now you can get the idea of what he looks like.
He's such a pretty fish.

That's all I have to say for now really.
My life is still the same dull mess as it was when I posted my last blog, which no one read.

I'm still a jelly fish.

The end.

1 comment:

Rachie-Jean said...

I hate uni more than is possible.