Wednesday, December 3, 2008

TiLT - Week Four

Things I love this thursday -

- Chocolate mousse. It's pretty great. I keep eating it at random times of the day. Jade and I made loads of it the other day and SHE LEFT IT AT MY HOUSE, therefore I've been nom nom noming on it at all hours. :P So gooood.

- Something with Numbers!
Concert last friday night was AMAZING. Gosh they put on a great live show! And Jake is so nice!

- Realising I have a fair few people who love me. I was thinking about my birthday and my friends and whatnot the other day and I realised I've got about 15 or so reliable friends. Some alot closer than others but loads of people who like me all the same. Made me feel a bit special.

- Catching up with above mentioned friends. Jade. Rach. Alison. Dan. Kim. Jess. Becca. Etc etc. Seen/seeing them all this week. It's great!

- Work.
Sure, I hate it sometimes but my boss's given me LOADS of extra shifts so I'm happy again. And my job at the coffee shop is going well also! Yeeew! I can finally start earning enough money to have savings again.

- Sitting on the couch in my pjs with my laptop, infront of the tv, eating and just relaxing til all hours of the night. I like some me time. :)

- Kinda lame.. but.. MY BEDROOM. It's my favourite place in the world. I love every inch of it and I take pride in making it my own. It's my own little world. I love it. And I love taking time to edit it and make it better, or change it around.

- Getting my uni marks back and being proud of myself. I got two distinctions and a credit overall for my three subjects! Woo! Fingers crossed it's high enough to get into photography.

- IT'S FINALLY DECEMBER! That means my birthday, xmas, boxing day and nye! And it also means loads more hot weather! Yesss!

I think that's all for this week!


Christine said...

To be honest...I've never had chocolate mousse even though I've really wanted to try some. I saw a recipe somewhere for a lemon mousse that sounded fantastic.

Geez Louise said...

Hi Christine!
Thanks for reading!
I'm so used to no one reading my blogs, it was such a nice suprise to read your comment!
Definately try chocolate mousse!
I bought the semi-instant kind, all you do is mix the power with milk and beat it with an electric beater for a few minutes, then put it in the fridge for 20 mins. It was hazelnut flavoured and oh-so-good! :)
Thanks for reading!