Wednesday, December 24, 2008

TiLT - Week Seven

Hello everyone!

Being that in tha past week I've had a birthday AND now it's christmas, my TiLT will be long and present filled... hehe!

Here's what I'm loving this week -

Presents and birthdays - Saturday was my 19th birthday, and is the reason why this past week has been particularly delicious. I got up in the morning, mum made me pancakes and fresh juice and gave me my present, then I sat around watching Will and Grace til it was time to go to Never Ever Land with Chris!

Scratchies and cards - I ended up with about 7 birthday cards all up, makes me feel special. And Rose from work got me a card and a scratchie! No one else at work even remembered my birthday, so it made me feel great when Rose gave me the card. Rose is so lovely.

Gilmore Girls! They've made it into my TiLT lists before, but now it's even better cos I OWN them on dvd! THANKYOU JADEY! <3 Very awesome birthday present and something I've wanted for aaages. =]

NEVER EVER LAND! Went on saturday with Chris from uni. Chris is so great and so were all the bands we saw. And the drinks we drank and all the songs we danced to. The Presets were awesome, and The Klaxons, Cut Copy, Lady Hawke and Van She. Good times. And meeting up with Aaron and Dave and going back to Rachel's to hang with them and her, and then having Alison come over was just wicked rad. Good birthday day, even if I didn't have a cake or anyone sing to me. Good times.

Snitch! Last thursday going to Snitch with Rach and Frank was wicked fun, even if it is slightly embarassing to say I love going there. Hanging with Matt from RO, Erinn from Nina May and sexy Alex from Postcards for Abby was funnnn! Woo! AND THE PAPER AND THE PLANE played and they were great as per usual! Twas a good night out!

Blue and green curacao! My long time love of blue has now extended to green! It's like midori, but SO mch more affordable! Good times with Rach were had before we went to Snitch, and we made a kickarse Greek salad.

Birthday texts, emails, phone calls, facebook and myspace messages! Texts are the best, made me feel so special on the day though! I was getting them from different people all day long, from midnight to 11pm! So nice! My phone bill will now be huge.

Gossip Girl! In the TiLT list before also, but, I got the book the tv series is based on from Hayden for my birthday! Now I can read the trashy scandals, and watch them! Yeeew! Trashalicious!

MY NEW RING. By far the best birthday/christmas present I've gotten, aside from getting Zerren himself. My mum got my dads mother's wedding ring remade for me for my birthday. It was just a diamond and in an ugly 70's style setting, so mum had it remade, adding in some sapphires from my mum's mum, and some extra gold from one of mum's spare rings. Loooks gorgeos and huge sentimental value as well as real value!

God I've missed that boy, so very, very much. Him coming home on monday was such a treat. Seeing the suprise on his face when Dan and I found him at the aiport and then me jumping all over him was so great. He's home safe and sound now. Such relief.

Lomolito! Alison got me a Lomolito disposable film camera for my birthday! You can use the normal flash, or a red tinted flash, SO COOL. Thanks Al <3

Christmas gifts! This year I enjoying giving more than receiving, but I got the Christina Aguilera perfume I've been lusting after for almost a whole tear, and the new Kings of Leon cd. I got great presents for mum, dad, Hayden AND even my two lovely dogs - I got my dogs nice new collars so they look spiffy and some pigs ears to chew on :) The dogs were excited!

Christmas text messages!
I've recieved 7 so far - Dac, Matt, Jed, Calum, Adam, Dan and Becca. Makes me feel special! <3

Ok so that's pretty much it for now I think.

It's a very materialistic list but oh well.

There's non-materialistic things in there too.

I'm grateful for all the people who love me and also that I've had such a good birthday and christmas week! =]

Things are pretty good right now.

Now all I want (not need, just want, so it's ok) is a nice boyfriend. Haha. Or at least someone to kiss at midnight on new years eve.

Oh wells.
I'll write a non-TiLT blog as soon as I have something interesting to write about.

Merry christmas!

p.s Here's photos of me being a camera whore with my web cam. I'm a looser, I know.

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