Wednesday, December 17, 2008

TiLT - Week Six

Here's what I'm loving this week... (It's kinda short but oh well!)

Things I Love Thursday -

- Watching Gossip Girl whilst eating icecream in my pjs (aka what I did on tuesday night). There is no better combination than trashy tv that I'm addicted to and icecream!

- Hanging with Caitey at work!
Sure, we pick on each other but deep down it's true love. We get along like a house on fire and Caitey's wicked fun! <3

- Purple nail polish! It strikes again! I adore it, still! I painted my nails purple last night.. again!

- IT'S MY BIRTDAY ON SATURDAY! Yeeew! I'm excited and I hope everything goes to plan and everyone has a good time, including me. I also can't wait to see what mum got me :P

- GETTING MY EYEBROWS WAXED TOMORROW! Havn't had them professionally done since my last birthday so I'm excited. I'm making it a personal goal to have it done more often. Haha.

- Repeat Offender.
What kind of TiLT list would this be without giving them a mention? Even though they announced they're breaking up I'm still in love with them. Gosh.

- Head scarves and head bands!
My collection just keeps growing and it's great! Mum even made me a paisley head band on tuesday <3

- Re-using old clothes to make them wearable again! Mum and I have been sewing, we made a dress into a top, long jeans in to shorts, hemmed my work pants and ... that's all so far but I've got more things in mind! :)

- Seeing The Paper and The Plane tonight with Rachel! Excited!!!

I think that's all for now!
I'll write a non-TiLT blog soon, I promise!

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