Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Polaroid by Louchasy featuring Forzieri jewelry

Hello bloggers!

Hope you're all swell on this lovely Tuesday.
I'm not.

I'm sick. And tired. And sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's stopping me doing things. I've been sick since friday. Gah. I'm over it. Waste of my time.

In other news - I've finished uni for the semester! Woo! I did my last exam last night - it was online, so that was pretty cool. So now I'm on holidays for 6 weeks, yesss. I'm so excited to go places and do things and see people, and most of all - work! I have training for my job tomorrow night. Can't wait, it's taken them forever to organise it.

That's pretty much it for now.
I'm off to blow my nose and cough some more.

1 comment:

Mr. Darcy said...

Where is the follow button??