Wednesday, June 3, 2009

TiLT - 28

Hello everyone!

Things I'm loving this thursday are as follows:

HANDING IN MY POST MODERNISM ESSAY! It might have been a day late, but hey, I got it done, AND NOW IT’S OVER! Now all I have to worry about is the modernism and post modernism exam… And you know, like... passing the subject. Eeeek.

MY BROTHER GIVING ME NEW SPEAKERS AND MATCHING BASS! There’s five speakers and a sub. Like, wow. My brother and I are becoming friends. I take him to school, proof read his assignments and quiz him on things for his exams, he gives me speakers. Win! (Photo to the left... only two speakers shown but there is three more... If only my car had nice speakers. Damn.)

THE FACT THAT I HAVE NO MORE UNI CLASSES FOR THE SEMESTER! Yesss! I had my last classes this week, most of which were cancelled or I just didn’t go. Wooo. Now I’ve just got my remaining 3 assignments (two of which are due tomorrow) and 3 exams to fuss over. Gah.

MY NEW HEAD BAND! It’s adorable and makes me feel like a present. I never want to take it off, and best of all, it was only $10! Yesss! HOW CUTE IS IT?! It reminds me of Blair from Gossip Girl, also it reminds me of Gala. I like it cos it's not something I'd normally buy. You're probably all thinking "Jesus Louise, IT'S JUST A HEAD BAND, GET OVER IT!" but WHATEVER. I love my new head band. I think it's exciting. Being materialistic is fun sometimes.

HAVING MY PHOTO IMAGING FOLIO DONE THE DAY BEFORE IT’S DUE! I took all the photos weeks in advance. Oh man, I can be organised when I try, and it’s fab. My folio’s due on Friday and I did the written parts on Tuesday and put the photos in to be printed on Wednesday! YAY.

Honourable mentions: My pyjamas, talking to Jade EVERYDAY, Waterfords Lemon Lime and Bitters for $1.20 at Crazy Clarks, Arrested Development, awesome 20 minute long phone calls with new uni friends, Chris, mint slice biscuits, Gossip Girl (season two just finished, now what am I gonna watch on Tuesday nights?! Skins season two finished as well, why do you do this to me Fox8?! ), cork boards and push pins, ribbon, not going to my last week of uni classes, Rachel! (I FREAKING MISS YOU WOMAN!), Papermate ball point pens that have light blue, green, purple, pink and orange ink instead of the regular black/blue/red (It’s exciting cos they were only like $3 for a 15 pack and I love stationery!), Everglades strawberry liquor (smells and tastes like strawberry jelly, and was only $12 haha) and finally, the fact that it’s holidays really soon!

And a new section for my TiLTs - Music I’m into this week!
This week I've been listening to Say Anything (oh wow they are so amazing!), Phoenix, Lady Hawke, Tokyo Police Club, The Decemberists, and Hungry Kids of Hungry. Yeaaaah.

Looking forward to: This weekend - Jade's birthday! Yewww! Also looking forward to the end of uni exams and UNI HOLIDAYS. It will be sweeeeeet.

Hope you all had a fab week!
Bring on the weekend!

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