Saturday, February 21, 2009

Have a nice weekend.

Good evening readers!

So, yet again, I'm sick... Oh joy.
It's such a watse of time.

Woke up at 11am, read for a while.
Went to the shops to get cold and flu drugs.
Came home, took the drugs and some multivitamins, ate some toast and watched tv for 7 hours (like 6 eps of Sex and The City, followed by the Sex and The City movie! Haha! So glam!)
Blew my nose and coughed alot in between drinking as much water as I could.
Ate dinner... which made me fill ill.
And now I'm sitting here, trying to make up for lost time by tidying my room and making lists of things I need to do when I can breathe out of more than one nostril.

When I went to the chemist to get cold and flu drugs today I could hardly breathe nor talk in complete sentences. I felt like I was one of the used kleenex tissues that are overflowing from the bin under my desk. It was obvious I was really sick, and so I quickly explained my symptoms to the pharmasist, got my drugs and went to leave, when the pharmasist goes "Thankyou, have a nice weekend."
I could have strangled her. I felt like death itself and she told me to have a nice weekend.
Like. Who. Does. That.

Seriously, I mean, obviously she says that to everyone but it takes less than one second to look at me and instantly know I'm not going to be having a good weekend.
Seriuosly lady, if I can manage to remember lame little bits of information about my customers at work, surely you can look at me and realise I will not, by any stretch of the imagination, be having a good weekend.

Anyway, that's my rant for today.
I am a walking snot machine and when I cough people go: "Oh my god, are you ok?" Cos my cough sounds like there is a monster inside my lungs trying to escape.
I have Lily Allen on repeat, I'm going to take some more drugs and go and read "Looking for Alaska" by John Green some more. At least the characters in the book are having a nice weekend.
I should be at Josh Pyke right now, but I'm not, obviously, because well, you know.. I can hardly breathe through all this mucus. I mean, it's not that big of a deal because I've seen Josh Pyke 4 times already but still, I hate being sick and I'd rather be out at the Tiv enjoying myself than being home drowning in my own mucus.

So, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whilst I'm lying in bed feeling sorry for myself.

p.s Here's a polyvore set I made a week or two ago. I really like it.
I want to put that outfit on and go for drinks with Carrie Bradshaw.

Little Black
Little Black - by Louchasy on

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