Saturday, February 7, 2009

A roof top crow's nest in a sea swell, oh yes I can see so well.

Good evening bloggers!

I'm in an odd mood, I had an odd weekend... and it's REALLY hot! Gah!
Bad shift at work on saturday, fun times saturday night and today is kind of bland.
And, I'm STILL sick. Runny nose just won't quit. It's driving me nuts.

I'm kinda failing at the ITC, like, alot. Being sick I haven't done much, and haven't been going to the gym much at all. Annnd I've been eating not good foods. I suck. Lol. Next week will be better, I swear. Gym tomorrow. And lots of fresh fruit and veg is in order. Yes ma'am.

I've been slowly starting to update my DeviantArt account, I've got over 200 deviations on there and my galley is a mess, I'm trying to sort it out. It's SO time consuming trying to sort everything out and delete all the junk deviations! Gah! You can check out my stuff HERE if you like.

On another note I really want a dress that's like a tank top/singlet at the top with a scooped neck line, then a skirt on the bottom. They're everywhere at the moment and I want one of my own so badly!

Howl - by Louchasy on

I'm now Polyvore obsessed. I'm getting better at it I think. This is my most recent set I've made.. wolf inspired! I like it. Polyvore is so vain but so so so addictive!

So, apart from all this sickness, lack of exercise and internet obsessions, I've just been working lots and writing to do lists. There's so many things I need to do that I just keep putting off. Examples include: sanding and re-painting my bedroom wall, getting ready for uni, gettting my green p plate license, tiding out my whole room.. Etc. Bleh. Not enough hours in a day to do all these things as well as work, go to the gym and have a social life!
Things are going to be nuts when Uni goes back.. I'm so used to doing what I like when I like and not really having to be up at any particular time - Uni is going to be hard to adjust back into I think.

In other news, things I'm looking forward to are as follows: Repeat Offender's last ever gig this wednesday, GOING AWAY TO THE NORTH COAST FOR THREE DAYS with some of my most favourite people in a few weeks, Josh Pyke concert in a few weekends, and Brittish India two days before that, then, the week after all of those things I've got O week at Uni, then the week after that CLASSES start! Oh my gosh.
Where have all my holidays gone?!
Seems like it was November only yesterday, and now it's almost March! SCARY.

Anywho, I don't have much else to say for now! I'm going to go to bed!
Until next time faithful readers (how many of you are there anyway? I wish there was some magical way I could find out who every single person was that read my blog!)

p.s The blog title is some song lyrics from An Horse. I'm in mega love with them, and The Paper and The plane (but that's nothing new.)

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