Friday, April 10, 2009

Raquel Reed


Ok, so not much has changed since yesterday.
Reginald is lonely still but I think he might be enjoying having more room now he's alone in the tank. He seems ok.

I've begun tidying out my room. I'm throwing shit out and I've vacuumed and spread all my modernism notes all over the floor, in an attempt to imspire myself into actually writing my essay.
I got distracted by the internets though (specifially fmylife, tumblr and Gala Darling's blog...).
These distractions are great and have lead me to trawl the webs for ladiesss with loverly colourful locks, a favourite hobby of mine. I have many favourites - Gala (of course), Audrey Kitching and now Raquel Reed. Man her hair is amazing. Check her out. She's the one on the left in the photo. Oh man, her hair is so, so, so amazing.
And that's pretty much it. I basically just keep doing anything possible to avoid my modernism essay. This includes the internet, listening to music, eating, tidying my room, making lunch for my parents and writing blogs. I've written 5 blogs since last sunday, and written no essay. Lol.
The end.
p.s Hello to anyone who's reading this after hearing about me on tumblr. Haha.
p.p.s Here's my tumblr account - It's mostly me rambling about things and showing you pictures of zebras.


Jade said...

I thought i told you about Raquel Reed. I swear i did.


Spectra Electra said...

I know, Gala's blog is a huge distraction for me!
PS: I'm sorry about your fish. :( I've always, always had a soft spot for fish.
PPS: Stumbled across your blog, hope I don't come off as creepy (but isn't that what the internet is for?)

Geez Louise said...

Jade you did tell me about Raquel...
Did I say otherwise? :/
Gala blogged a photo of Raquel the other day but you told me about Raquel before that.
If that helps?