Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Self documentation

Good evening everyone,

This is what I wore tonight to a meeting at The Hive. Not a very interesting outfit but a fairly standard one for me, jeans and a shirt. Yep. I like my hair. I'm waiting for it to grow, it's taking forever.

The meeting was good, it's nice to be involved in The Hive again after me not being able to go to shows for a while cos of work. The only bonus of being unemployed is I have more free time. Apart from that, there are no other bonuses, I'm really, really poor.

Anyway... as some of you may or may not know, I sometimes take daily photos of my outfits in an effort to "cultivate my personal style" and basically keep track of what I wear and how I look each day. I'm trying to put more effort into my appearance. I stole the idea from Gala. I take the outfit photos all the time but I've never actually done anything with them, I just have them in a folder on my pc.... until today! I dunno why but I just felt like actually posting today's outfit on the web.

Weird and narcassistic as it is, I think it's useful to take daily outfit photos. I find it really interesting to be able to look back through what I've worn over the year so far, plus I'm obsessed with documentation. I like taking photos of everything and writing everything down, and this is just another way for me to document my life.
This month I'm aiming to take a photo of my outfit every day for a whole month, so far I haven't missed a day. Woo. I may or may not ever actually post another outfit online again, but for today, you can see what I wore.

That's pretty much it. Business as usual. Still job hunting. I've applied for 17 jobs in total so far. And I'm stressing over uni, but really, really looking forward to friday and beyond - EASTER HOLIDAYS! Yesss. I'm also stressing over money, I'm running out of money, fast... Sad thing is I'm not even buying exciting things, it's all just stuff for uni, train tickets, petrol and phone credit. Bleh. I went and saw Rachel's new house on tuesday! Yay! It's nice. And had Alisonnnn over last night, we watched trashy tv for hours on end. She's great. Today was full of errands and the gym and other things. I put my first roll of film from my 4 lens action sampler in to be developed, I'm going to pick it up tomorrow... I hope at least some of the shots turned out. I'm pretty sure the film was about 4 or more years old, haha. Apart from that not much else is going on.

I'm going to stop writing and go to bed now... I have to be up in 7.5hrs. Gosh.
Good night,

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