Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TiLT -Twenty Two


Things I'm loving today are:
(Omg I'm actually that organised I'm writing my TiLT on a thursday for once! I'm going to try to write this TiLT in a somewhat chronological order... )

My realisations last Friday night - I wrote a whole blog about it. I'm changing things in my life, and it's good.

Room developments - I WILL be painting over my wall this week sometime. I've moved furniture out, just gotta sand all the lumpy bits off...

Going out for dinner even though I'm really poor - Saturday night was great. I went out to dinner for Chris's birthday. Wagamama's is pretty cool.

Sunday night - Jade, Chris and I went to see I Heart Hiroshima at The Caxton! It was grand. We ended up in Soviet Russia. I had my first ever Jam Donut at The Cax, it was great. We had Jager Bombs (om nom nom) and as always, lots of vodka. We all drank and danced alot and we even stole some drinks. We're that cool.

Being happy - so happy you can’t stop smiling no matter how hard you try or how silly you feel.

THE IT CROWD - Oh man! Thankyou Jade for introducing me to it, I'm in LOVE. I've watched all of seasons one and two, now I'm craving moreeee!

THE MIGHTY BOOSH - As well as the IT Crowd, Jade introduced me properly to THE MIGHTY BOOSH. I am in love with it. Brit Coms rockkkkkk.

Ikea meat balls - Jade also introduced me to Ikea home cooking! OM NOM NOM.

Eater eggs - Mum bought me a Red Tulip bunny for easter! Om nom nom nom.

REALLY COOL HAIR - I’m obsessed with long, great, colourful hair, always have been but my obsession is growing stronger. Ladies that deserve a mention for their brilliant locks – Stevie Ryan, Audrey Kitching, Doe Deere, Raquel Reed (thanks Jade!) and of course, the fabulous Miss Gala Darling. Go google those ladies. Your eyes will thank you for it.

UNI HOLIDAYS - Especially sleeping in Friday to Monday... I got up between 10 – 11:30am each day... haha. Loving the holidays SO MUCH. FREE TIME IS GREAT. I SHOULD BE USING IT PRODUCTIVELY BUT I'M NOT... I'M JUST RUNNING AROUND TOWN SEEING ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVE.

TUMBLR - Matt made me a Tumblr account forever ago, and I actually decided to log in for the first time ever a few days ago. You can see my Tumblr here. It's not that interesting cos I don't log onto it much/write anything meaningful on it but it's kinda fun all the same.

ALISON'S TUMBLR - When I went to log in to tumblr for the first time, I went onto the Tumblr website and found Alison's account was already signed in... so I took the opportunity to hijack her account and write a few posts on there. It confused Alison alot when she logged in a few days later. Hahahahaaa. You can see Alison's Tumblr here.

MY LATEST TSB - Tsb #3 is online now! Check it out and vote vote vote! You can see my latest TSB here.

120MM FILM - On tuesday Jack and I went on a city adventure. I ended up buying my 120mm film (I need it for uni...) at Ted’s Camera House and not having to go all the way to Greenslopes! Wooh! It was a great adventure. We got Jack's ear pierced. Haha.

Dinner on Tuesday night - On Tuesday I had dinner at Alison’s with Al (of course), Kassie, Jack and Dan! Al and Kass made lasange and salad, it was so good. A great night of socialising was had.

Jade - YOU SPOIL ME GIRL. Yesterday Jade brought me foods and happy times cos I was feeling rather down and stressed out. I love you Jade. Get better soon aye.

Random visits from lovely friends - Last night Jack, Al and Kassie came over for a visit! I love the three of them :) I got to see Kassie twice in one week! Woooo! You're great Kassie.

Looking forward to:
Dinner with Crystal and James on Thursday night
Friday night
The Hive on Saturday night
The Powerhouse on Sunday afternoon
I heard back from one of the 25 jobs I applied for (I applied for 8 on Wednesday alone) - I have a job interview tomorrow at a vet clinic! I’m mega nervous!

Not looking forward to (I know it’s a TiLT and meant to be positive but whatever):
Going back to uni on Monday. Not happy Jan.
Being super stressed once I go back to uni… I've got one assignment due week seven (next week) then three assignments due the week after that. NOT COOL QCA, NOT COOL.

So yeah. I hope you all had a good week!
My TiLT was huge, mostly because I'm on uni holidays. I don't want to go back to class, I really, really don't.



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