Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TiLT - Week Twenty + more!


Happy sunday!

My TiLT is 4 days late! OH YEAH.
Hope you've all had a lovely week.
My week's been all over the place in both good and bad ways... Stressful from uni and busy with classes and assignments and stressing out in general about uni, life and money (or lack there of). However, the last few days have been awesome. Back to reality tomorrow when I have to go to class and do work concentrate, compared to all my adventures of the last few days... gah.

I actually wrote my TiLT for this week on WEDNESDAY night, but haven't had a chance to blog it until now because of assignments and my car breaking down and various social outings and such.

Things I was loving this thursday are (this list is short cos the week up until thursday was rather dull but whatever) -
- EBAY. Oh man. Whoever invented Ebay, I love you. Best place to find interesting cameras.
- CARD READER IN MY LAPTOP! Yeah I'm a total dork. I've had my laptop since like December 07, and only just realised there's a SD card reader in the side of it, near some of the other ports I never use. It's hidden away underneath the edge of the the laptop, and I just never noticed it cos I don't ever actually look at all the ports I never use. Anyway, my inbuilt card reader is now my new best friend.
- DIGITAL PHOTO PROFESSIONAL! Again, more camera related things. This's the software that came with my Canon DSLR, and it rocks. Like photoshop but it's also a RAW converter, which is super useful and easy to use :D
- SKINS. I'm well an truly addicted now. Oh man. It's so great. I love Cassie and Maxi and Chris and Jai (spelling?). Yeah. They're my faves. They rock.
- GOSSIP GIRL. It's so freaking trashy and juicy. I want my own Dan Humphrey. Serena doesn't love him like I do. Lol.
- MY FAB FRIENDS! Jade, Dan, Al, Jack and Rach all came to visit me when I was painting my TSB last weekend. Totally made my day, thanks boys and girls <3>
- MY NORTHSIDE VET CARE GIRLS! They were so excited to see me on thursday when I went in! Hugs all round, I felt special.
- Looking forward to: Easter hols! 10th - 19th April! Yeeeeow! Also looking forward to getting my K-Rudd money so I won't be broke anymore. Thanks K-Rudd!

In other news, I've had the best last 3 days I've had in a long time. That sentence is retarded but whatever.
The last 3 days have been awesome, they are as follows -

FRIDAY - Went to uni, handed in my first actual photography assignment and matching tech report in my Prac 1A tut. Then we played with the Rollei Flex 6 x 6 cameras (they're old and heavy and use 120mm film which is SO COOL) and set up our own studio spaces with lighting, reflector boards, soft boxes and backgrounds! SO MUCH FUN. Friday after uni I went back to my car after getting the train from uni, to find I'd left my lights on. The car battery was dead. RACQ saved my day and I got home ok, where Kev then charged my car battery for me. In the mean time Jade came and picked me up! We went to hers, she bleached my hair some more, we went to radio, we then got HJ's (monster burgers zomg!) and went back to hers for hours and hours of IT Crowd. I'm in love with the IT Crowd. OH MAN IT'S SO GREAT I WANT TO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW. Haha. Then I stayed over Jade's. Thankyouuu Jadeeeee for Friday night!

SATURDAY - Jade dropped me home, I got ready to go and see Matt in the city for lunch... got in my car to leave for the train, and BOM BOM BOM it wouldn't start. Again. Which doesn't make sense cos the battery was fully charged and mum even drove it for me on friday night when I was out. Nevertheless, Mum took me to the bus at Chermy. I went and hung out with Matt and we had lunch at Nandos and took lots of photos on our multiple cameras and it was nice. Between us we had 5 cameras, 7 if you include our mobile phones! The photo is mine and Matt's lunch, our many cameras and a bit of Matt himself. Thanks for saturday Matt! I also went and visited lovely Rachel at work J I MISS YOU RACHEL. Gosh. We need to catch up soon! Yes so, city with Matt, visited Rach, then I got the bus home… And who should be on my bus but the amazing CRYSTAL! We screamed with excitement when I got on the bus and we saw each other. Man I miss you girl! It was such a lovely surprise to see Crystal! Anywho, so I eventually got home after coffee with Mum and Chermy and my car still wouldn’t start so I thought I’d have a night in, until Jack rings me! Him and Dan ended up coming and picking me up and we went to the train, where we ran into a whole bunch of people I hadn’t seen since high school, which was sweet as! Anywho, Dan, Jack and I went to The Hanger at Red Hill and met up with Alison and Katers. THE HANGER IS SO COOL. I WANT TO LIVE THERE. It’s a derelict indie gig place that’s underneath a bunch of random shops. It was so cool. We saw Fickle Beasts among other bands and generally had a great time! This photo is of Jack, Katers and Al at The Hanger. Good times. I wanna go there again soon. It had a wall of old tvs as the background behind where the bands played, plus lots of couches, bean bags and fridges. It was great and full of random stuff.

TODAY – My mum got me a new car battery (my dead one was under warranty, thank god!) and so my car is now up and running again! I went to Chermy and had lunch with the lovely James! J It was really nice to see him and catch up. Now I'm at home enjoying the live set of The Kooks on JJJ and sitting around in my new pjs.

And that’s pretty much the best bits of the last three days in my life.
Long story short the last three days were so insanely awesome cos I saw so many people I love! Jade, Dan, Jack, Rach, Alison, Matt, Katers, Crystal and James :D Yay yay yay.

So yeah. I’m in a good mood. I have freshly blonded chunks in my hair and Barbie pink fingernails andddd I’m wearing my new pjs. Mum took pity on me cos I’m poor and bought me new pjs. They’re adorable and have gold fish on them! Thanks Mum

Hope you all enjoyed reading all that, haha.

p.s This last photo is of me and Katey at The Hanger. It's way over exposed. You can only see our hair. I love it.

p.p.s One more thing - the hair compliments have continued, and now are even more common since Jade re-blonded my hair. Jack, Dan and a random chick in the loo at The Hanger last night complimented me on my hair and skirt. And I don't remember who else from last night. And all the people I ran into from school on the train complimented me on my hair. And James did today too :D I feel special.


Jade said...


Geez Louise said...

Thanksssssss Jade! <3